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Okay.... it has been a while already.....

Last time, I wrote about second day of backpacking trip in Island Yaku.

Here comes the third, THE LAST, day of the trip!!

We woke up 4AM to get ready since we worried that it would take pretty long to get to the main trail due to the horrible condition of the trail.... Like I mentioned before, the trail was totally messed up.....

We left early and started hiking up. Well, I forgot to mention, but Shika no sawa mountain house is located just below some cliffs, so we had to go up to go back to the main trail.

It was dark and we had to rely on our memory and head light.

It turned out to be okay hike音譜

We got lost several time, but we could notice quickly that we were in wrong way and turn around.

It was dark + foggy though.....霧

We hike up all the way to the summit of Mt. Miyanoura, which is the highest in Island Yaku.
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Unfortunately, we misse the view from the summit since it was rainy and foggy...... But the view from the summit is known as one of the most speculacular view in Island Yaku..... Oh well....汗

So we headed down

Then beautiful sun晴れ came out!!

Look how beautiful the mountain wasラブラブ
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This view makes Island Yaku very unique. New tree is growing over the dead tree because it rains a lot to create a bed of moss over dead tree and moss will provide great ground for seed to sprout.
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My another favorite shotカメラ
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Water was so clear and beautiful under sun.....
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And we met another deer before the exit......
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My best friend took this pic.... and I like it. The pink person is me!
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And maybe it was first time ever, I really really really hoped that I do belong to the mountains..... living in the mountain with mountain.....

It was just that nice. I never begged for shower even though we were totally soaked by 2nd day......

When we knew that we were getting closer to exit, we were seriously hoping that we will be back someday soon...... or just stay in the mountain......

People are missing out so many things because we looked for convenience and easier lives..... Obviously there are many things that destroy nature.....

I am a part of it, so I can not say anything to make myself look better-あせる

But at least.... I really hope that visitors to Island Yaku would understand how great it is to have beautiful nature, then pay more attention to what they are doing. I am not asking difficult things here.... just asking to bring own garbage back with you, to hike only in the trail (it will destroy some plants if you hike out of the trail.....) or not to feed monkeys and deers, not to touch cedars since trees may die because of that....

I sincerely ask you all to understand how important it is to protect nature...... Pleaseかお

I really really loved Island Yaku and hope to go back there someday again!!