It was pretty nice day for biking in this morning.
Not too cold. Not too windy...... My commuting route is usually pretty windy, so it was nice ride this morning.

Well, the incident happened short after I left my house. I was waiting for signal to turn left.
There was car in front of me, and also another car behind me.
When the signal turned green(For Japanese readers, traffic signal in US has three colors just like Japanese...., but they are not red, yellow and BLUE. It is green instead of blue-信号 I wonder why we call the green color BLUE......), I started going as well as both cars in front of and behind me.
BUT I suddenlly felt pressure from the back..... Actually car behind me hit me車ドンッ自転車
Um......... it was not big hit, but strong enough to make me slide out a little.汗
I wondered why she hit me, but I was in the intersection and could still ride, so I kept going.
She pulled over in front of me and stopped, then she rolled down the window and said "I am so sorry..... I could not control the gas.... I did not mean to hit youあせる" (Yeah.... thank you very much for not meaning to hit me......パンチ!)
Anyways, she started asking me if I am okay and everything, so I said "I am fine, don't worry..... be careful next time-" and started riding again.
If you know the area, this happened at the intersection of 4th St. and DelawareSt in San Mateo.

Then I started riding just fine on Redwood shore.

I thought so........

After a while, I saw something big came into our PEDESTRIAN/BIKE ROAD.
It looked like a small car.......
It became clear when I get closer to the thing. It was a LAWNMOWER汗
I have no idea why.......... there was no lawn, but dried land around the area......

"Excuse me-"
Since he was taking whole pedestrian/bike road, I could not go through. I was trying to get his attention, but I guess the lawnmower was making too big noise, and he could not hear me.
I was following him for a while very slowly.....(that thing can not move fastDASH!)
And another cyclist caught up on me and he said "Excuse us-", but still the drive did not notice.
Finally another rcyclist came from the other direction, so he saw her clearly(since she is riding towards him) and pulled over to the right.
Finally we could start riding again目

I am pretty sure that PEDESTRIAN/BIKE ROAD is not open for any motor vehicle including LAWNMOWERむかっ
And I am still wondering what the F*** that lawnmower was doing there.......

I felt better riding like normal again and getting closer to the work.(well, not really, but I felt that way.....)

THEN another incident happened!!
There is a bridge that I have to pass over freeway 101 in San Carlos.
I was riding over it and stopped at the signal. I had to turn left at next signal, so I was waiting until the road is cleared. I checked back several times to make sure nobody was coming and I started moving towards the most left lane.
THEN suddenly one car drove towards me VERY VERY FAST. He was speeding pretty badlyパンチ!
He just overpass the bridge, so he could not see me until he was going down the bridge on the other side.
Luckly he saw me and tried to hit the break so hard. I heard the break and tried to move faster, but it was too late. He hit my rear tire(well, that is what I think) and my rear tire slided to the side. I unclipped my pedal quickly to stand up since I totally lost my balance.
My bike looked okay and I felt just fine, so I started riding again. The driver started driving and checked on me going then leftむかっ Hey hey hey!! Aren't you gonna say "Sorry" or something!? If you are familiar with the area, this happened on Holly St over freeway 101.

Well after that, it was okay ride.......
But I could not believe how much I had to deal with only during my commute this morning.

And I started wondering.......

I was just being a VERY STRONG MAGNET磁石 for cars車!!

Maybe the last guy was speeding so badly because my magnet was so strong that he could not control his carあせる
Ah huh.......... Yeah..... that's itビックリマーク


Please be careful, drivers!! Please remember that BIKE AND CARS have to share some part of the road!!