◄ v 2 . 「将来の季節の変化」 -59ページ目


Ohayo gozaimasu~ o(〃^▽^〃)o
Today is another great day on Ameba, nyeh? ドキドキ
I don't really have much to say.

I hope everyone is having a lovely day today. (°∀°)b
It's so early! (laughs)
I'm feeling really tired lately.あせる

I'm sure it's nothing but you know. (。>0<。)

This has been Kanon~
Thanks for reading! ドキドキ

Gomen Nasai!!! o(TωT )

GAAAAH! It's been so long since I've posted a new blog. (◎`ε´◎ )
I was busy all weekend!
Though, yesterday I picked up these cute fake nails from ICING.
They are adorable! ドキドキ
I'll be wearing them to the anime con in July.
And hopefully I can share a pic of them on pupe! o(〃^▽^〃)o

Also, I found alot of english speaking people on Ameba recently.
It makes me really happy 'cause now I'm able to talk to them! (°∀°)b

This has been Kanon,
Thanks for reading! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

Good morning!!!!

Hello everyone, an good morning!
I don't have much to share with you today. o(TωT )

Last night I injured myself. あせる
It was nothing serious but it still hurt alot! (#`ε´#)
I'll be better soon though, so let's stay happy, nyeh? o(〃^▽^〃)o

Although, I wish it hadn't happened...
I don't need to see a doctor, so thats good then!
I hope it will heal quickly!

This has been Kanon-
Thanks for reading! m( __ __ )m