◄ v 2 . 「将来の季節の変化」 -57ページ目

おはよございます!!! ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ

Hiii~! ♪(*^ = ^)ノ⌒☆
おげんきですか?? ブーケ2 ドキドキ

Again, I forgot to write a new blog entry earlier today!!! (。-人-。)汗
ごめんあさい!!! あせる

Today I woke up at around 6:20AM. ZZzz....
I felt so uncomfortable in my bed that night, and I don't know why. DASH!
I'm feeling so tired these days, and so lazy!!!
I wish my bed were more comfortable.
But that's okay, I guess. OK

Kanon needs to start seeing more photoshoots from GazettE and Alice Nine! ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ☆彡
I keep seeing photoshoot sneak-peeks but no pictures! あせる

Anyway, this has been Kanon~
ありがと~!!! (・ω・)/

こにちわ!!! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

こにちわ~!!! (・∀・)/
I forgot to write an entry at 9:30AM today so this will make up for it. DASH!

I just got done with school today so I'm free to do whatever I want now! (laughs)
Please forgive me for not updating on Sunday!汗汗
I was extremely busy, but luckily, I bought something new~ ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ

I bought these cute leggings from KOHL's.ドキドキ
I'm planning on wearing them to the Anime Expo in Los Angeles. 音譜
I'll be wearing a deco-Visual Kei outfit. (laughs)
It sounds odd but, it'll work out! (°∀°)b

I'm hoping that my bangs will grow out a bit before AX so that I can make them look cool~ ラブラブ
Well, let's see how things turn out!

This has been Kanon~
ありがと~!!!! (・ω・)/

Hiii! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

こにちわ~!! o(〃^▽^〃)o

Two entries in one day?!!! ドキドキ
Oh, Kanon seems to be doing this alot lately, nyeh~? ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ

I'm hoping that somehow I'll find out how to make my layout custom style.あせる
I'm not very good at reading Japanese so it's tough.むかっ
Oh well, I'll get the hang of it sometime! o(^▽^)o

I might right another entry later today actually! (laughs)
Please keep commenting and friending Kanon, okay??? 女の子

Until next time-
でわまた~!!!! (・ω・)/