So bring on the flames | launch laptop battery recallのブログ

launch laptop battery recallのブログ


So bring on the flames

Welcome to a laptop battery specialist of the Asus Laptop Battery

I feel the need to interject whenever I notice someone defending one-button mice. Instinct is pretty much absent in our species. Empirical evidence tells me that one-button mice are best kept in my Mac museum, next to the 512k Fat Mac. The hardware should change as the human interface guidelines change. On the plus side, touch interfaces and the Magic Trackpad make for marvelous hardware.
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How about doubling the available storage at each of the iPad 3's price points? I haven't seen much in the rumor mill about it, but I've been salivating over the prospect of a 128GB iPad for months. I'm one of those people who strongly prefers to keep his entire music library with him when traveling, and once you add a few videos and apps into the mix, 64GB fills up pretty quickly. Heck, even the Facebook with battery such as Asus A42-A3 Battery , Asus A2000 Battery , Asus A42-A2 Battery , Asus A3000 Battery , Asus A6000 Battery , Asus A42-A4 Battery , Asus A4000 Battery , Asus L5800 Battery , Asus A42-L5 Battery , Asus L5000 Battery , Asus A32-UL20 Battery , Asus Eee PC 1201PN Battery app can quickly balloon to 1GB or more, though that seems more to be a case of poor programming than by design....