GW Last Day | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

It was the last day of GW, this year. And did things of following jobs.
First, filled engine oil to my old mercedes which oil lack indicator was turned on a day before on the way back from Matsuyama.

It worked well through around 350 kilometers drive to there. Good!

After them, tried to charge electricity to the battery which was lack on the last fishing. It was asked by my fishing-friend. First,the battery was almost OK. The voltage was 12.7 Volt.

The electricity charging didn't end after 10 hours. A bit degenerated, isn't it?

After them, went out for shopping in the morning, at around 10:30 or so. Bought a cut sierra at a fish market for sashimi. But it made us Delhi belly at night. No way!

After the sierra shopping, visited a branch of Autobacs. There, bought a can of engine oil, for my old Mercedes. They asked me a member of the shop on mobile, and tried so.

Anyhow, bought a can of it.

And the payment was done by mobile. Yes, times, they are changing.

In the evening, went out in rain to kill time. On the way, bought a bowl at a $1 shop. It is used for flatfish fishing bait to make it alive in it.

On the way back to home, went to my old idle's home to see how it was. It looked turning vain. Sorry and no way!

Well, that's about it. As this way, times go by us.