時間のpamphlet report

                                               & portrait                                                                                                   march 3th 2020                    

Pltim Marriage at pltim place planet besides 

Since either of libitor or visitor had pltimmarriaged for 8 years for a first time ,

 couple of them arrive at the same places following days.



|at 2000 Apr  wedding at Hawaii  --May- 8 period years later 2009 Apr --  serially Pltim Marriage Vpla  -- place PltimMarriaged USA

                               registration of PltimMarr iage at Russia 


At(country)marriaged place,

the earliest timing registration of pltim marriage, wedding or baby be born. 

Either of libitor or visitor had been pltim marriaged for 8 years, couple of them rearrive at PltimMarriage place

Arrival time's depends Birthday timing .
serially PltimMarriage Vpla, following days.


婚姻届提出,結婚式,結婚生活,出産日の,一番早い時期の場所(at country)-pltim marriaged place




夫もLibitorとして伺う  ( 8年~結婚の初妻がLibitorとして伺う場所に、Libitorとして前夫妻も伺う)


At previous epoque , man husband woman lady wife    pltim gendar form

Since they had marriaged for 8years, serially PltimMarrige Vpla following days.


pltim marriage


1 At previous epoque, Libitor G at L planet,

  G as visitor at E planet had been marriaged for 11years for a first time.

.  PltimMarriaged GM couple of 11 years.

2 Following oas Libitor previous wife M rearrived at  E planet   place pltimMarriaged while previous epoque ,

   as Libitor  G coming at E either .

 Either of M and  G lived respectively each single lifestyle  at E planet

3  On as Libitor M arrived at  B pltim, as Libitor G  coming at  B pltim either,serially PltimMarriage Vpla. 

     G  had been marriaged with J for 14 years.PltimMarriaged GJcouple of 14 years.

  On as Libitor previous wife M for a first time arrived at S pltim,

      G and J arrived at S pltim either,

     Vplas of PltimMarriage GM couple   Vplas of PltimMarriage GJ couple  serially.

    Arerival timing’s depends、BirthdayTiming..

|  June 1980  at  E                              |  May 2200 at  B          |  at S

|  PltimMarriaged GM couple of 11 years. | GJcouple of 14 years. | On as Libitor previous wife M for a first time arrived at Spltim,

                                                                            | G and J arrived at S pltim either,   

                                                                                                              Either Vplas of PltimMarriage serially.



Since marriaged , previous husband apt to リサーチ力 previous wife を知っている

ジンクス husband marriage with previous wife again , husband would like probably become strong



2000cash~ monthly cash support /each wife  


Some matrix and  chua figures apt to  be commission suppoting pltim marriage lifeliving

mother as pregnancy  oni figure and husband.


reference  parent



As regarding to

伺う予定の現 upcomingly future adjust to  vplas ,mode and

conditions recovering support list など,

 would like favor making sure future passage condition,
schedule&details at support shop.


結婚は8年より長く結婚生活をするとLibitorとして妻が伺う場所にLibitorとして夫も伺うことになっている関係のこと .

Pltim Libitor form & conditions of figure and gendar

Pltim Libitor のpltimでのFigure gendar 姿 状況は

ご自身のBGが生誕design scheduleしてなかったこと と説明を伺ったお方様もいる

前世wife husbandsと再び結婚するお方様もいる

2000Feb -- 2006 Aug each single living life style respectively     each of them living lifestyle respectively at each places            

registration of PltimMarriage                                                      8 years later 2009                         PltimMarriageVpla until 2006 Aug

Plim Marriaged couple 離婚~until 8 period years later after had been PltimMarriaged

wife and husband at previous epoque,

would each of them living style respectively at respective each places.




marriage & vpla


https://ameblo.jp/pleasantlove/entry-12579333204.html   時間の pamphlet spe


Figure & gendar reference

 portrait page





As regarding to make sure everythings happy.
