yo... | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

the current listen song is an Indonesian singer.
the song tells about how the boy feel surfeited or having had too much to her girlfriend.
the story of the song nothing to do with me, i often listen this song lately because i feel having had too much with my work,...

but the work still stacking (´_`。)
my palm feet fell sick, my face got sensitive to anything that i usually use, my skin sometimes suddenly itchi without any reason.
i can still handle and ignore it for stiff muscle and others, but my anger management is i can barely take it sometimes. since i met unprofessional workers and offices(when they used to profesional), an officer who only find and make excuses, peoples who can't get it although i explain few times and others. as far lately i can only control not to very angry eventhough i was mad when i talk sometimes. i'm afraid i will do like this ダウン, because 2 weeks ago i slap someone(please notice it is nothing to do with my work, but other problems), this person made me so mad that made me suddenly slap this person, and anyone who know me better surprised when i do that.
my friends said where is coolness,hahahaha(⌒∇⌒)ゞ

blue sky

and one of my friends gave me shocking news to me,...
then my friends telling that made me envy to them, they are :
murti-san will go to Bandung on 19 june,
uni-san will go to Philippines on 18 june,
cen-san will go to Malasya next month,
and me stuck with work in here 。゚(T^T)゚。
but they are promises me omiyage ≧(´▽`)≦

3 days ago murti-san came to my house just to give me birthday present.
the book from murti-san, and the t'shirt from her older sister.

blue sky

i bought this book 2 days ago, city that i want to visit still Kyoto, Osaka and Okinawa,...but
when i saw the map, even the nearest international airport is too far from that 3 city (_ _。)

blue sky

i got newsletter
blue sky

gomen ne wuri-san i broke the present from you (><;)
i didn't know it,
3 days ago when i was hair drying my hair, my cellphone rang and i put the hair dryer at the top of it. actually still nothing happen when i took the hair dryer.
then i put a car parfums on the top of it so i will not forget when i go(but i still forgot it)
when i was come home i saw spot, at that time maybe the parfums sticked to the topper, so i took tissues and swipe it and this happen !(´Д`;)
hontou gomen wuri-san m(_ _ )m

blue skyダウン
blue sky