June 8th, 2019. 令和元年度第1回コスプレホストタウンPR隊サミット was held on at a Nagoya public hall, known as a 名古屋市公会堂. With a new member of PR Troops, whose joined us from 2019. This term of PR Troops are up to 24 of members or something. As almost near as the last year's one. However, half of them are the descendents form 2018.

The PR Summit had started around 13:30. In each time, we took turn to say their determination. While I listen to what other member had to day, I felt their motivations toward to PR troops.

About 2 hours of PR Summit had ceased because of the running out of a time. Most of the issue was unsolved. Only the so called "long hash tag" issue was solved by changing #名古屋コスプレホストタウンPR隊 to #名古屋コスプレPR隊. Only, in my opinion, nobody knows PR Troops situation. So, it does not matter how long hash tag was long or not. However, what have done was done. Nothing can change the things had determined.

Only the one thing, good at for this PR summit was that our father schedule was unveiled, as below.
大曽根七夕まつり 7月28日(日)
世界コスプレサミット2019 8月3日(土)
第62回オールスター競輪 8月14日(水)~18日(日)
昭和区民まつり 10月27日(日)
コスプレホストタウンPR隊サミット 2020年2月頃