



So this past week had been so busy, but so exciting for me! きゃー

This past Sunday, I had the chance to meet Jenny! We went apartment hunting together, and we're thinking about perhaps moving in together すげ~

Here's one of the apartments we looked at.

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We all pretty much agreed that we like having the sink outside the bathroom. It just makes life like.... that much cooler. (´∀`)つ■

Aaaaaand here's a pic of Jenny and I!

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Pardon my ducklipssss huhuhuhuhu えへへ…

Oh my god, the guy showing us around the apartments was so sweet. Makes me almost want to sign the papers right away! Hahaha!!! にへ

I was so sad that we couldn't hang out more after because I had work!! But next time, girl I'm going to bring you with me to take some purikura!! ハートぃっぱぃ


Right now for Oishii! Project, we're having a bootcamp challenge!!!!!! なく

One of the challenges was to make a vlog, so I actually did a vlog riiiight here がーん:

Craaaziiiessss, right?!涙

Well, I'll have you all know that the Ichigo group MADE IT THROUGH THIS WEEK OF THE BOOTCAMP CHALLENGE!!!!! WOOP WOOP!!!!!!かお2

Aren't we like ridiculously awesome like that?


Well, that's all for now~ my eyes are getting heavy and I'm falling asleeeep, but look forward to another blog from me very soon guys! ❤

Yumiko, over and out!!

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