EASY MONEYが初来日するよー
●It’s your 1st time for a Japanese interview. Please introduce yourselves.
YO! Troy from Easy Money speaking on behalf of the band. Im from New York, but the band is based out of Mesa, AZ. I write lyrics for our songs & do Design/Video work for the band. Mookie was born in Osaka & composes all our music. Petro is in control of Percussion & is the backbone of our style & groove. Taylor slaps bass, lifts weights, & handles merch.
Yo!Easy Moneyを代表して答えるTroyだ。俺はニューヨーク出身だけど、バンドはアリゾナ州のメサのバンドなんだ。自分は歌詞とデザイン、ビデオ制作などを担当しているよ。Mookieは大阪生まれでバンドの曲は全て彼が書いているんだ。Petroはドラム担当で、俺らのスタイルとグルーヴを支えてるんだ。Taylorはベースを叩いて、ジムで鍛えてマーチの担当をしている。
●What made you start the band?
Troy started the band in late 2015, after a few lineup failures, Mookie took over as lead guitarist for the band. Easy Money was an attempt to go fucking nuts, bring our friends together, throw wild shows, & see how crazy our crowds could get. We wanted to play everywhere, see every band, and create something unique the Southwest could call its own. We wanted to cover old bands, try to keep it OG and give people something they can relate to.
●How did you guys get together?
We've all been friends for about a decade. Mookie has been writing music with me for about 6 years now. We all used to play in different bands, but those groups eventually broke up. Mook & I started getting together, smoking and chilling in my garage while writing the tracks heard on Midas Touch. Taylor would come over to listen, and eventually brought over Petro which ended up being a perfect fit. We have been able to connect, create something real, and have a good time doing it.
ここ10年来のツレなんだ。Mookieとはもう6年くらい一緒に曲を書いてるよ。みんなそれぞれ他のバンドに所属してたんだけど、解散して集まったみたいな。Mookieと俺のガレージでクサ吸いながらチルアウトして書いた曲がMIdas Touchに入ってる曲だよ。Taylorがその曲を聴きに来て、その後Petroも連れてきて、気づいたら完璧なラインナップになってた。このメンバーとは意思統一できて、リアルなモノが作れて、一緒に楽しんでやれてるよ。
●Whats the reason behind the band name Easy Money?
It was the right name for us. For all the G's and hustlers. Who don't love Easy Money????
俺らにうってつけの名前だ。G’sとハスラー達のためだ。Easy Moneyを愛さなくて何を愛す?
●You guys call yourselves Osaka style, whats the reason behind that? What is your perspective of Osaka Style?
Osaka Styleを名乗っていますがそれはどこから?そしてあなた方の考えるOsaka Styleとは?
Initially we labeled ourselves "Osaka Style" cause our sound was unlike anything in our area, & we attributed that to Mookie being from Osaka. The tag has grown and gained more meaning and purpose as we've found our place in the international scene. Now it feels more as a continuation of the brutal style that bands from OSAKA have always been notorious for. The spirit of letting lose and going crazy at every show, the violence and excitement of heavy hardcore. Can't wait to demonstrate this style at Summer Bash Fest with the native Osaka bands.
当初大阪スタイルとつけた理由としては、自分たちのエリアからはないサウンドをしてたこと、Mookieが大阪生まれだからそれに因んで。後にこのフレーズが広く知れ渡って、意味と意義がさらに深まって、自分たちは海外のシーンにあるんだと感じさせてくれた。今思うことは、大阪のバンドの凶暴性を引き継いでいるからとも言えるね。全てをさらけ出して、全てのステージでクレイジーになる姿や、暴力的で興奮するヘビーなハードコアのあの感じ。大阪出身のバンドとSummer Bash Festで俺らのスタイルを見せるのが待ち遠しいよ。
●I felt the 80s and 90s influence not just the BEATDOWN. What bands influenced or inspired you?
As a group we listen to everything from grunge, hair metal, gangster rap, R&B, beatdown, hardcore-punk and more. We occasionally cover bands like Alice In Chains & Machine Head at our shows. Do rips of Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle record cover to pay homage to it's influence. We fuck with Nu-metal, Slipknot, Coal Chamber, Korn, ETC. Many heavy bands from 90's, Madball, Fury Of 5, Cold As Life, OLC, & E. Town have had their part inspiring us. Bands like Six Ft Ditch, Bun Dem Out, and ignorant EU heavy hardcore bands inspire us to push the envelope of what we can do with Hardcore crossover. The new Easy Money record showcases alot of these influences and has become its own style completely. Can't wait to share it with everyone!
みんなグランジからヘアーメタル、ギャングスタラップ、R&B、ビートダウン、ハードコアパンクとか色々聞くよ。Alice In ChainsとかMachine Headをツアー中にカバーしたりもするね。Snoop DoggのDoggystyleレコードのカバーも彼に敬意を示す意味でカバーしてる。Nu-metal, Slipknot, Coal Chamber, Kornとかもやれるね。あとは90年代のヘビーなバンド。Madball, Fury Of 5, Cold As Life, OLC, & E. Townとかの影響があるね。Six Ft Ditch,Bun Dem Out , とignorantとかヨーロッパのサウンドにも影響を受けて、ハードコアのクロスオーバー性に魅了されたよ。新しい音源はこれらの影響が多く見られて、完全に自分たちのスタイルを確立できた作品になったよ。早くみんなに聞いてほしいね!
●How did you guys get hooked up for a release from BDHW?
MOG took us on an EU Tour & helped get our name out there, Toni from BDHW got in touch with us and asked to release Midas Touch worldwide, we said yes and pressed it for distribution and haven't stopped moving since.
MOGのヨーロッパツアーに同行させてもらった時に知ってもらって、BDHWのToniから連絡がきてMidas Touchをワールドリリースしないかって誘われたんだ。即答して、世界中に流通されて、それからずっと動いてるよ。
●Any memorable gig?
This is hard, every Easy Money gig is not like any other. People always throwing trashcans, bodies, spinkicks and trading blows all night.
But here are a few of our favorites:
Liars Tongue & EZ$ in Jacksonville, Florida 2017
Lil Peep & EZ$ at Club Red, Mesa AZ 2016
Guilt Trip & EZ$ in Erfurt Germany EU 2017
This Is Hardcore 2017 in Philadelphia
Sheer Terror / Take Offense / EZ$ in Sacramento CA 2018
SAND / XIBALBA / EZ$ at Toxic Toast Records 2018
All these shows were ridiculously good for us and we will remember them forever.
●Any movement towards the next release?
9 Songs Complete
Album Title: You Can't Win
Releasing Through BDHW Records In The Future..
Album Title: You Can't Win
●Can you tell us about the scene in Arizona and your future prospectives.
The Arizona HC scene is very Do-It-Yourself. The venues available range from big stages to storage spaces. The bands that play are eclectic and there is always an event to attend because of how many artists there are here. Lots of unique sounding artists develop their own style in the solitude of the desert environment. There are plenty of opportunities to find something new by going to a show as a fan of any genre.
We do have a solid foundation of bands holding down the Hardcore/Metal scene throughout AZ.
Iniquity, Beg For Life, Sex Prisoner, Gatecreeper, The Beautiful Ones, Arm's Reach, Trench, No Altars, Get A Grip, Territory, Upstart 33, & WOUNDVAC とかだね。
●Any rapper or band of your recommendation?
There's a few solid rappers we bump in the van, here's a list
Fredo Santana (rest in peace)
Young Thug
Lil Baby
03 Greedo
Playboi Carti
●How was the tour with SAND in July?
Our best tour yet in the Southwest region. Lots of old friends traveled to support these bands, the energy was insane all 4 nights, we were bruised and beaten by the end but it was worth every second. SAND played impeccably and we cannot wait to act like maniacs to them again soon. Many trash cans were thrown, many injuries sustained. AZHC Came out to represent in full force with Arms Reach opening the package. Overall a great experience.
南西部で過去最高のツアーだったね。昔からの友達が遠くから遥々遊びに来てくれたし。4日間通してぶっ飛んだよ。ズタボロになる程暴れたけど、一分一秒全てが貴重な経験だったね。SANDのパフォーマンスは言うことなしで、また彼らの前でクレイジーになるのが待ち遠しいよ。ゴミ箱が飛び交い、負傷者も出たね。Arms Reachがアリゾナをレペゼンしてオープニングを勤めてくれて、本当にいいツアーだったよ。
●Any Japanese bands that catches your eye?
SAND! 43 URBAN, CRANK, Doggy Hoods, LTTG, Soul Vice, Kruelty, & Blindside
●Any thing you want to do or places you want to visit?
Looking to eat as much food, dessert, Ramen as possible, go to Afterbase, shop for BAPE, watch all the local bands and buy as much merch as we can. Where are the deer at?!?
●Message to the Japanese fans.
This is our most anticipated journey yet.. We can't wait to come to your venues and represent Arizona Hardcore & the Southwest style. Go listen to Midas Touch / Rules Of The Game now through BDHW Records. We will see you so soon..
今まで最もやりたかったツアーなんだ。アリゾナ、サウスウェストスタイルを披露するのが待ちきれないよ。BDHWからMidas TouchとRules Of The Game nowをチェックしてくれ。近くに会いましょう。