Luckily I found cheap ass tickets to the Avicii show on Saturday 9/15 bc ppl were so incredibly desperate to get rid of em and at least get some cash back. That's when I banked in!

Avicii performed at the Santa Monica civic auditorium Fri-Sun with Vegas parties in between, during the day. Amazing worker! Working overtime. Got my little rave outfit with my friend and we rushed to the venue thinking he was coming on at 9pm like he did the prior night. But actually his set time was later, 10-12am O_o. When we arrived, we noticed the crowd was really under dressed, or we were over dressed... I suppose it was bc of the hot humid weather in LA. About 99% of the crowd was dressed the same lol. Anyway, we got through the line, went in looking for alcohol. It's an 18+ event, no alkie was to be found. Boy were we supremely disappointed. Whatever, in to the auditorium we went, the ppl were packed toward the front. The DJ was pretty hot, loved his set and he was rockin out hard with the crowd. I just really admire DJs that get into it and gets the crowd pumped. I was wondering who he was, my friend mentioned that she saw him before at Avalon. He's HOT!

Meanwhile we were sweatin our balls off. The stupid auditorium had no ac and packing 3-4K ppl, holy smokes! We were dripping, I was so wet (get your mind outta the gutter!). We went outside to get water and cool down, then ran back in hoping not to miss the curtain unveil for le7els. we tried to pack to the front but it was crowded. We managed to get close though. Then finally the intro comes on and everyone is screaming in anticipation. Avicii appeared and the crowd was jumping. I have a terrible memory but I think he played Fade into Darkness first lol. 15 mins into it I started getting claustrophobic and my friend was dying of sweat, so we attempted to leave the front. It was hard, felt stuck. Finally made our way through toward the back end of the area. There was more room to dance and move about.

It was my friends first time seeing Avicii. She was in love with his set. It was very house and lots of strong drops. But the sound system was bad. I can't believe some ppl had earplugs on. I was thinking, this isn't loud enough!! I need louder and harder bass. Meh. We danced the night away. Many douches had their shirts off, surprisingly a LOT of guys are cut. I was impressed how well they take care of themselves.. I wish I could see Tim more close up. He's so cute and I have a crush on him. But his stage was elevated and could really only see his silhouette. At 11pm, we went out to take a potty and water break. There was so much security walking around, I just don't understand why?! They don't even sell alcohol. tons of cop cars were lined up outside. Nothing happened, they were just there to patrol. I suppose w/o alkie, they were concerned about drugs. All night, these kids continually approached me asking if I had mollys. One tiny asian girl with her asian homies asked if I had any when I walked by, I said, "No, I don't do drugs" and her friend in the background repeated what I said and giggled. Like that's so hard to believe ( ̄_ ̄ i) I don't do drugs, and I'm not rolling! Leave me alone you e-tards!!!!!!

Tim played a few SHM songs, and their newest one DYWC, which had everyone in the crowd singing along. But OMG when he went into Levels, everyone's energy instantly went up a level. Hahah I used levels in two sentences, sicK! His most famous song, Levels ドキドキ He ended his set with Kernkraft's Zombie Nation. I would have to say it was most appropriate. Everyone knows the song, and everyone hums to it. More than half the crowd was energized. The others were deadbeats. I saw some funny ppl in the crowd, I could not stop laughing bc it was very pathetic. Hard to go into detail. All in all, the sick visuals of Le7els made up for the crummy venue.

I have one other rant. They really need to stop making these events 18+. I know there are fans that are young but fuck them. They need to think about giving priority to the old folks, 21 and over. We are YOUR money makers, HELLO. Your 18+ events get sold out, leaving no room for the 21 and over to purchase tickets, and on top of that, you don't serve alcohol. Now if you made it a 21 event, you COULD serve alcohol and make loads more money. But noooo, you doubted Avicii and needed more ppl to purchase the tickets so you downgraded to 18+. TSK TSK on ALL you promotion companies *cough at friggin insomniac) Talk all the shit you want 18+ year olds, I won't listen. Go become 21 and over then we'll talk =P

It ended damn early at midnight. Of course we're gonna hit up an afterparty. Screw Avalon. That club is a drug house. So we went to Belasco, got free parking and free cover yeah! We went straight to the bar, chugged some long islands and started dancing more. danced and danced. Saw an old friend there...I got mad at him more than half a year ago and never talked to him again. But when I saw him, I was really happy and we hugged and kissed. He was my good friend but I was so mad at him. I forgot. So we caught up a bit and drank. The DJ was pretty good. mixing it up with awesome party tunes like Antidote, Promises, Wild One, Spectrum, etc.

Boy, we danced A LOT. I lost like a pound, due to no dinner all night. I love dancing. Next BIG show is definitely Tiesto @ Staples Center. Though I can't wait for the Poseidon tour!!! I prefer the DJs to perform at a club setting. It's way more intimate and the sound system is built for it. Shows, I'd do it once in a while. But since I also have a huge crush on Tiesto, I'll check him out at Staples. It's going to be historic, that's why にゃ