

 それは①b. 15日についての2(第21段落)の記述になる。






 そこには、以下のように、それについて既に記したが ...(I have already described ...)、と書かれている。


I have already described the conditions of at that gate - we actually had to drive over masses of dead bodies to get through.


 その付近についての記述は①b. 12日についての2(第11段落)に記されている。


①b. 12日についての2(第11段落)

[...] He [General Tank[Tang]] fled that evening, and as soon as the news got out disorganization became general. There was panic as they made for to the gate to Hsiakwan and the river. The road for miles was strewn with the equipment they cast away - rifles, ammunition, belts, uniforms, cars, trucks, - everything in the way of army impediments. Trucks and cars jammed, were over turned, caught fire; at the gate more cars jummed and were burned - a terrible holocaust, - and the dead lay feet deep. The gate blocked, terror-mad soldiers scaled the wall and let themselves down on the other side with ropes, putties and belts tied together, clothing torn to strips. Many fell and were killed. [...]









I have already described the conditions of at that gate - we actually had to drive over masses of dead bodies 2 to 3 feet deep and 90 feet in length, to get through.



①masses of dead bodies to get through.

masses of dead bodies 2 to 3 feet deep and 90 feet in length, to get through.





①c-1.日記的 19日の1(第30段落)の後ろの二行、⑤

There are still many corpses on the streets, all of them civilians as far as we can see.



There are still many corpses on the streets. All of them civilians as far as we can see.


