★Welcome to 2020 by drummer masaki★ | 銀座カウボーイソムリエ中林正希

★Welcome to 2020 by drummer masaki★


Just a small town girl


Livin' in a lonely world


She took the midnight train goin' anywhere


Just a city boy


Born and raised in south Detroit


He took the midnight train goin' anywhere



A singer in a smoky room 


A smell of wine and cheap perfime


For a smile they can share the night


It goes on and on , and on , and on




Strangers waiting


Up and down the boulevard


Their shadows searching in the night



Streetlights , people


Living just to find emotion


Hiding somewhere in the night



Working hard to get my fill


Everebody wants a thrill


Payin' anything to roll the dice


Just one more time



Some will win , some will lost


Some were born to sing a blues


Oh , the movie never ends


It goes on and on , and on , and on






★Don't stop believin'★


★Hold on to the feelin'★


★Streetlights , people★



【Dont' Stop Believin' / Journey 1981】


(Dedicade to you from drums cover DJ masaki)