ショッピングの冒険♪(´∀`)[8.11.10] | NAYOオフィシャルブログ☆宇宙人カメレオン☆


靴を一足買った。 NEW 矢印

Gt.NAYO SWEET melody ♪

I went to the mall and got new shoes~☆


They cost about yen6900
. USD$80. ( ´(ェ)`)

When I came to the store, the worker asked,


"Are you a first year in high school?" !


What!? 私はショックしました。(ノДT)!!

Do I look young? ぶた

I think it is because I am short. (´□`。)

But I grew! I am 157cm! ★ (笑)


Gt.NAYO SWEET melody ♪


I think they look cool though. それがかっこいいか




I changed the Ameblo. Do you see it? (^人^)


I do not like it. (`×´)ビックリマーク (笑)


New Ameblo...it is okay....but I like the old Ameblo better. ♪


Oh well. I needed to change it because the old Ameblo was very old. ヽ( )`ε´( )ノ



Gt.NAYO SWEET melody ♪


Gt.NAYO SWEET melody ♪


Gt.NAYO SWEET melody ♪

Red contact lens. eye

My sister said it is scary. (笑)


- - Ja, nayo 星