麻のワンピース | ひめぴょんのブログ




そういうことを考えると、面積が大きい分破れたときのもったいない感が大きいのと年齢のこともありますので、今回限りで卒業しようかなあと思います。薄手なので一枚では着れず、下にズボンを履かないといけないのも面倒な理由の一つ。さっとトイレに行けて、足がひっかかりにくい、というのも年齢のためか 服を選ぶ理由になってきています。丈夫、ロングシーズン使用可、コーディネイトしやすい、品よく見える、多くの場面で使える、年齢相応あたりを考慮して、コロナ禍が収束したらお買い物するとしましょう。やはり、今までの勉強したところによると試着は大切ですから。


Linen beige sleeveless dress. A few years ago, I bought a new one of the same type even though it was torn down by my favorite. I think that's why I also liked being able to wear it without worrying about the waist. I haven't worn it for a while, but when I tried it for the first time in a while, hemp is said to be strong, but since it's thin, it broke. It seems that the part on which the buttocks hit is easy to tear because the load is easily applied. I remember that it was the same as last time.

Considering such a thing, there is a big sense of waste when breaking due to the large area, and also considering my age, so I think I should graduate this . It's thin, so I can't wear it alone, and one of the troublesome reasons is that I have to wear pants underneath. It's becoming a reason to choose clothes because I can go to the toilet quickly and it is hard for my legs to get caught. Keeping in mind that it is Sturdy, long-season usable, easy to coordinate, looks good, can be used in many occasions, consider age appropriate, I plan to go shopping when the corona converges. After all, trying on is important according to what I have studied.