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Ampe Bawah!!







はい、お尻です。腰をくねらせちょっとづつしゃがんでいく、ダンドゥット・コプロのMVでお馴染みのアノ卑猥ダンス。それを歌手がやりだすと、周りの人が「Ampe Bawah!!」と囃子立てます。


「Sampai Bawah」「Sampe Bawah」も全く同じ意味になります(SampeもAmpeもSampaiの口語です)。



何かの機会があって歌手がこの踊りを踊りだしたら、「Ampe Bawah!!」と囃子立ててあげてください。









あ、もしかすると、こういう踊り自体を「Ampe Bawah」と言うのかもです。先生は勝手にウ●コ座りダンスと呼んでいましたけど😅




上差し 2:43から再生が始まります。DJモノのサンプリングネタとしてもよく使われています。



下差しもうサムネからすでに ウ●コ座りダンス Ampe Bawahな件











Tu, Wa, Ga, Pat



















Bukit Jempol, South-Sumatra, Indonesia





The English version


It's taking some time to create the next topic, so please enjoy this short story to connect.

I'm sure you've heard this kind of cheering before.





Ampe Bawah!!


They say it. Literally translated, this means "to the bottom".
Ya, I know you want to say "What do I do to the bottom?" 

Yeah, that's a hip! When the singer starts doing the obscene dance that is familiar from Dangdut Koplo's music video, in which she bends her hips and squats a little, people around her cheer, "Ampe Bawah!!"
It means, I think this has the nuance of ``squat down until your butt touches the floor.''
"Sampai Bawah" and "Sampe Bawah" have exactly the same meaning (both Sampe and Ampe are colloquial words for Sampai).

If you happen to have a chance and a singer starts doing this dance, please cheer up and say "Ampe Bawah!!"




Will such an opportunity ever come to us?

I often see scenes like this on TV programs.  Compared to Koplo, it's a much stricter TV show (because it's broadcast all over the country on the internet), but it's probably the very best that can be broadcast.

Ah, maybe this kind of dance itself is called "Ampe Bawah" . I just call it the "duck squat dance"😅




上差し This starts playing at 2:43. "Ampe Bawah" and "Sampe Bawah" are often used as sample material in EDM.



下差しThese MVs already have Ampe Bawah starting from the thumbnails.








This story isn't going anywhere...





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Bukit Jempol, South-Sumatra, Indonesia