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いい加減しつこいと怒られそうですが、お構いなしにいきます 滝汗







アーティスト名 : Jihan Audy

曲名 : Ku Puja Puja

タイプ : Indo歌謡

言語 : インドネシア語


















ブラウィジャヤ橋(Jemb. Brawijaya)とは東ジャワ州クディリ(Kediri)を流れるブランタス川(Sungai Brantas)にかかる橋で、ダンドゥットMVロケ地の定番になっています。

といっても見るべきものは何もないごく普通の橋です。マシコは勝手に「インドネシアの渡良瀬橋」と呼んでいます笑い泣き 共通点は、「見るべきものは何もないのにひょんなことから有名になった」、ということだけですが汗















今後、ストビュー画像が更新された時のことを考えてキャプチャリング爆  笑














Bukit Jempol, Indonesia




The English version


Everybody will be angry with me because I'm so pretty insistent XD
But I don't care. OK, here we go 滝汗


In the past, the Brawijaya bridge has appaered in this blog over and over again. It seems the bridge was built recently. An old bridge known as Lama bridge is still next to the Brawijaya Bridge.
This MV was shot in there.




Artist : Jihan Audy

Song Title : Ku Puja Puja

Type : Indo Pop

Language : Indonesian



As you can see



there is the Brawijaya bridge



just next to Lama bridge.




There are so many good place for video shooting in her hometown Mojokerto. At least it's better than Brawijaya bridge.
She is very busy girl, so I guess that time was good for her for video shooting in Brawijaya bridge. Maybe...
For your information, this MV was released from Global Musik. The label is in Jakarta.



This is the review for who has not read the previous posts.
Brawijaya bridge (Jemb. Brawijaya) is across the Brantas river in Kediri, East-Java. It is a staple shooting location for dangdut MV.
But it is just a normal bridge, there is nothing to see. So I named it "Indonesian Watarase bridge". 
They have nothing in common but "nothing to see for sightseeing". They became famous by chance.

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By the way, you still can see the Brawijaya bridge that is under construction with google street view (as of Feb.21, 2021). 



When was the photo taken?

I will take a screenshot it, given the risk of picture update by google in the future 爆  笑





I'm sorry for the boring post as usual汗





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Bukit Jempol, Indonesia