The essence of Buddhism | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


There is something special about everything.

Naturally there is also the essence in Buddhism.

It is the ultimate teaching or the most important teaching.

Some people think the essence Buddhism is a reincarnation, but it is the teaching of Brahminism.

Because, the teaching of Brahminism admits the subject of reincarnation called “GA” that means the substance that unchanging and everlasting.


Buddhism teaches not only this “GA” (the subject of reincarnation) cycles but also teaches “MUGA” that means there is no the substance that unchanging and everlasting.

It is greatly annoyed Yukio Mishima.

In Buddhism GA” and “MUGA” at the same time.

What does cycles?

Read the book of Mishima, the third volume of “Houjou no umi.”

Because this problem suffered great genius like Mishima, I cannot conclude easily.


Reincarnation is the philosophy of Brahmin.

One's true self is called  “Atman” which transcends death and is part of the universal Brahman in Brahmin.

Brahmin teaches Atman that we can neither cut nor burn.

This Atman lives in human body.

It is called Yoga that keeping human’s soul and body.


Even now Aum Shinrikyo thinks like this.

Atman wants to be free from human body.

Bramin thinks “Atman” wants liberation free from human body.

This was the purpose and ideal of their training.

However, this idea was denied by Buddha appeared.

What is the unchanging reality?

Then I ask a question that is there something in the world that does not change?

There are no realities in all beings in this world.

Could you feel “Shogyou mujou” that means the impermanence of all things.

It is unnatural that we think “GA” is not change, then.

There is “MUGA” not “GA”.

All beings have no realities.

This is the right answer to the first question “Shohou Muga” means the idea that all things in the universe lack their own unchangeable substances.

Therefore, we may not think the purpose of training is “Atman” is release from human body.

It is the practice to find out that it is the ultimate calm.

The state of attaining enlightenment is called 'Nehan (nirvana)', which is described as “Jakujo”(quiet and peaceful).


This is “Dharma seals” means “Three marks of existence.”(suffering, impermanence, non-Self)

Buddhism preached this we can find that Aum Shinrikyo is not Buddhism.

The teaching of Reincarnation is Brahminism.

Buddhism gave the proof that human cannot be reincarnation.

2,000years after the death of Buddha his teaching has no effect.

Like the lesson of Mitsui family in the Edo period do not apply to the present age.

The age of Buddha’s great teaching called “Biyakuhou” was over.

The age of decadence is the age of “Dai Biyakubou” means true teaching of Great Saint Nichiren




Buddhism divided into three ages.

Those that were properly enacted after Buddha’s death for 1000years.

In the next 1000 years, Buddhism has become extinct and there is no one that properly enacts, and the right teaching lose their effect.




It means “avidya” (ignorance) 

It is avidya (ignorance) that do not know a spiritual state of perfect selflessness.

Buddhism teaches avidya(ignorance) is “Myou hou renge kyo.”

“Myou hou renge kyo” is the enlightenment of Buddha.


This is the essence of Buddhism.

The teaching of Great Saint Nichiren is “Namu Myou hou renge kyo.”

The basic is the same as the Buddhism.


Some people told that the teaching of Buddhism is freedom and spiritless from Buddha’s teachings “Muga” is misunderstood

The sect of Shingon insist incantations and prayers is the essence of Buddhism or

The sect of Nenbutsu insist the pessimistic a view of life and hope calm death.


These are not true Buddha’s teachings.

The purpose is to strongly affirm the present life and to teach the way to right understanding.

Famous criticisms of Buddhism by Great Saint Nichiren can only be heard as sloppy if this is not understood.


This is affirmed in the present life, is even deeper than this in the present and the next life.

The teaching of Great Saint Nichiren is the affirmation of this present life.


I think here comes the point of contact with Japan Shinto.

Japan Shinto is thoroughly affirmed in this world,consistent with Buddhism in the context of ultimate affirmation.

It is not a fusion in the sense of superficial mixing of Shinto and Buddhism.

If you understand the difference and reach the point, you could understand the essence of Shinto and Buddhism.








『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!
