The Chinese eat human meat as much as Korean eat | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


The reason why I got such a strong title is because the essence of ethnicity often comes out here.

Absolutely Chinese and Koreans are ethnic groups who can not live with Japanese people.

I wrote such an exciting title in order to understand this.

I do not know the Japanese unless I write it like that.

There is a person called Mr. Tadanobu Bando, an interpreter for former Metropolitan Police Inspector.

Mr. Bando took out a picture and the girl's hair was scraped to it.

The price is attached to my chest.

There are 50 people.

Why are you hanging down your hair is sold as a slave so you do not want to see her face.

The girls in this picture were sold and brought to us, they were killed and eaten.

Because the Chinese buy humans to eat one pig and eat it.

If it is normal it would be a girl who was bought and slaved to work or to become a prostitute, but it is not so.

Chinese buy to eat girls.

The Chinese are horrible people.

China is a terrible country and human beings are broken when they are out of hand.

China is a terrible country and human beings are broken when they are out of hand.

In China, the number of organ transplants has increased in a blink of an eye.

There were about 100 organ transplants five years ago.

It is now surprising that a specialized ministry of organ trafficking was made in China.

About 900 physicians of organ transplantation.

Not surprisingly, 100 thousand people are transplanting organs now.

The person who took the organs dies.

A hundred thousand people per year are benefiting from organ transplant and 100,000 people are killed.

Moreover, the ministry which made it as an industry was made in China.

Most hospitals in China do organ transplants.

What kind of killing method is efficient as a human comes into the hospital.

The Chinese government takes the lead in organ transplantation.

I consider human beings as energy and thinking of organ transplants as work.

When you bring humans to the hospital, I will inject first.

I will disassemble humans in a state of death

Take the heart and take out the liver and put it in the donor transport box.

It is the most efficient because it takes out organs alive.

Dead bodies will be burned in a boiler in the hospital.

In China, 100,000 people are killed and sold as organ trafficking.

Next time will kill about 1 million people and do organ transplantation.

China is an influential industry because it considers organs as an industry.

A million people die and transplant organs to one million people.

All the people in the Uighur autonomous region are put in camps.

Uighurs are in millions of camps.

From the perspective of the satellite, you can see that the camp is also increasing.

The Chinese government put Uighurs in camps under the idea of ​​ideological education.

Actually it is put in the camp for organ transplantation.

Since there is a specialized gate through which donors go when going to the airport in China

China can not accept a second child due to long-standing single child policy.

It is said that there are 100 million such children.

That 100 million children do not have Chinese nationality.

That kid will not complain if you kill or do anything.

Even if the child is killed the police will not move either.

It is said that the child will mostly be eaten.

Please look at the red lips of Xi Jinping.

That must have been eating meat.

A terrible time has come..

A Saudi journalist was killed in Turkey.

That is also a terrible affair.

It is similar to Chinese organ transplantation.

I cut my finger with electric saw while living.

Then I cut off limbs.

Because I cut off my neck at the end.

It is cruelly killing people who do not regard such humans as human beings.

The situation in the world is getting like that.

Chinese people are walking in Asakusa, Nakano, Ginza, but the Chinese are human-eared races.

Do not think that it is the same as a Japanese never.

It is ridiculous if you approach Chinese people thinking it is the same as Japanese.

When I see myself like Watanabe Naomi, Chinese people think it looks delicious.

Agnes Chan said that it looks delicious when he sees a pigeon.

Japanese people do not think eating pigeons when thinking of pigeons are cute.

A pigeon looks delicious in the Chinese Agnes Chan.

Chinese think that if you see Deb, you will kill him and eat this guy.

Even if you look at the history of China.

China is a history of eating meat.

The most delicious thing is that it is a liver.

Because we still take out the liver when we are still alive.

It is a horrible race.

This is the actual situation of Chinese people.

Koreans are famous for eating dogs, but how to send Korean dogs is not odd.

Koreans eat after dogging the dogs.

It is a superstition that if you eat tea and dog you eat it will be energetic.

Koreans think that they are energetic as they kill the dog.

Koreans also eat meat as same as Chinese people.

Koreans usually dream of dogs and are satisfied with eating, but human beings also eat when they take care of themselves.

There is a desire of Chinese people to want to eat humans.

These two ethnic groups are mixed with each other, so their properties are similar.

Japanese need to really know such ethnicity.

Those who eat humans are not human beings.

It is the end of the century.

A Chinese who eat meat has appeared.

I do not eat humans because there is nothing to eat.

It is ethnicity to eat a dog who eats human as a luxury item.

I have to get to know this thoroughly and have to look closely at the Chinese Koreans.








『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!
