1. 1億人が目覚める時がきた! | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


You Koreans, Why dont you kneel down on the ground to Japanese?


第一章 現代の韓国問題
Chapter 1 Korean Problems, Today

1. 1億人が目覚める時がきた!

[Time has come when 100 million people should awake.]

In Japan, there are so many controversialists that really think of the future of Japan and Korean problems. However, I believe there is something wrong with the ground of their logic. There has been no studies made in it.

The way they argue is just to say Koreans said soor Chinese viewed such and suchor something serious may happen unless diplomatic relations are restored.

In this situation, they should restudy, beginning from the Japanese History, and by getting to know the real state of Japan based on the History, they may know what Japan really is.

It is often askedIs Japan an ordinary nation or less than that or even

better? I trust that Japan is the most excellent nation of the world.

It is foolish to insist that Japan should be made an ordinary nation.

How could the excellent nation be an ordinary one? Why is it then that Japan is the excellent nation? The answer to it is very simple. No other country has the continuous history of 2800 years, as Japan.

United Kingdom has its history of royal court of about 1,000 years and
in this respect, there is absolutely no nation that has such a long history with consistent imperialism upheld. The People
s Republic of China has its history of only 65 years, far below 100 years. The Republic of Korea holds it as short as about 60 years, nothing to speak of.

At the time of foundation of The Peoples Republic of China, they declared thatWe deny the culture and civilization in the past.This is to mean that what Chinese people insist about their history of 4,000 or 5,000 years must be a lie. The fact is that their past history in their saying is full of shame and so they meant to throw them away, thus building up the present nation of communist party. At this very point, their tradition and anything regarding the history ceased. In this way of thinking, I believe I could say China has nothing to be proud of, nothing special that draws our attention.

This is the very truth that proves Japan to be quite different from other nations and the apparent different are found in the length of history,in the history itself and in the culture. With respect to the culture,it is said that Kanji was taught to Japanese people.

China is a so large country that their daily language is different according to the districts and that there is nothing like a unified language common to all. Under this very awkward situation in communication,what they did was to draw pictures. These pictures were later symbolized into Kanji letters. The Kanjis are self-explanatory when seen, but the way they read it, or their pronunciation, was quite different by the races.

To Chinese people, such pronunciation doesnt make any difference. Kanji letters are nothing but pictures. Writing for instance Hand or Te()can be understood as a hand because it is a picture of human hand.

The complex Kanji letters now in use in China are all made up by Japanese In Meiji era, some Japanese went to The United Kingdom and European countries for study and during their stay there they translated into Japanese the political structure, Constitutional terminologies, social system, science, chemistry, and medicine and all other books. They were so wise that they created Japanese words from the English words and terminologies written or shown in them.

Some of the Japanese Kanjis thus created from English words, couldnbe found in Kanbun or Chinese Kanji. One of them, for instance, there was KanjiMinshuor democracy, never found in Chinese Kanjis. Where there is no word of democracy,”there cannot be the worddemocratic.

The same idea could be applicable to Shakaior society. There is no Chinese that can translate Shakaiinto English Society. Such being the case, the Japanese Kanjis created by Japanese learned of Meiji era were plagiarized and are now practically used by Chinese.

The country of China is officially called The Peoples Republic of China, and there was formerly no word Jinmin or people,” into which Japanese translated the word Jinmin. The same can be said as to Kyowaor Republic. Chinese people have no idea or concept of Kyowa, and so it was translated from the word Republic.

More than one third of the words now used in China are made in Japan and this fact is the least manifestation that Japan is not an ordinary nation.

Chinese people are foolish enough to use their own Kanjis meaning nothing concrete, thus depending on the pronunciation.

In order not to be affected by Kanjis, Koreans are using Hangul or Korean alphabet. It is Chinese people that Koreans hate most and this is because Koreans have been continuously bullied by them, particularly as invaded more than 700 times.

There is also what is called Shurei no monin Okinawa, and this is the gate throughwhich the Sappushi or an envoy from China would nobly pass,when the king of Ryukyu grovels most politely. This Shurei no mongatewas named because Okinawans grovel for their courtesy.

It is also found in Korea, and when an envoy visits Korea, Koreans would

grovel before theGeion mongate.

As understood from the above, Koreans have been bullied by Chinese, forcedly paying tribute of more than 3,000 beautiful women to them every year. Thus, most of beautiful women were taken to the Imperial Court of China, leaving only ugly-looking women in Korea. This has resulted in active incest in Korea. Young beautiful women were all taken and brought into China, and the remaining old and ugly-looking women were caused to bear crazy children, with their blood taking shape into what the present Koreans really are.

With these circumstances well taken into consideration, we should not make friends with them. Even by giving kind and thoughtful consideration to them in their favor, we still should not. The best we can do now is to keep away from them.

At the time when Japan annexed Korea,there was a book published stating to the effect ofWatch Koreans what they are going to do.You might read it as well and you will understand what Koreans really are.

[Attention items sent from Japanese government to the governor of Korea upon Japan-Korea annexation]

1. Since Koreans have no concept of concluding any equivalent relationship,you should keep them realizing that we are in the superior position

2. Be careful not to apologize to Koreans. When apologized, Koreans would take it as a victory and tend to domineer over us, possibly causing them to force us to give them money and goods.

3. Koreans have no sense of owing to anyone and never expect them to pay you back the favor that you give them. If you give them your favor, think of no premium.

4. Never show any attitude that may lead them to think you are wealthy and good natured, or they tend to think that you are easy to deal with, finally starting robbery or fraud against you.

5. Koreans are remarkably ignorant about the concept of ownership, and lack understanding what it is, often borrowing and/or using anything without the owners permission or knowledge and whats more, never returning it. Theft especially from Japanese is likely considered to be a heroic act. Utmost care should be taken.

6. Koreans habitually tell lies and never believe recklessly what they tell you. Any official statement, if needed from them, should be accompanied by evidence or proof.

7. It should he kept in mind that whenever a transaction is made with Koreans none of it is most likely successful, often resulting in your loss.

8. Koreans have a propensity for steeling and never let them handle money goods or any other valuables.

9. Never praise Koreans, better keep them reproached.

10. For proper reproaching Koreans, do it in your thunderous voice of rage,better showing them the evidence for the anger.

11. Koreans, even after normally and fairly treated, but if their gain is lost, habitually take it reproachful and will later conspire to revenge,so that you might as well show them your close connection or relationship with the nearby government office or especially police or justice authority, thus always warning them you are protected by them.

12. For meeting with Koreans, attend it in a larger group than they.

13. For any dispute against Koreans, they tend to take some false lawyers and other authoritative persons with them, therefore better in advance check them with the relevant official authorities.

14. Koreans, not yielding to a dispute, are known to extend their assault to the Japanese relatives involved in the dispute, or even to their acquaintances and women. Therefore, use maximum caution.

15. Never shrank even by Koreansabusive language regarding racial discrimination or recognition of history. Refute in a loud voice to let them shut up.

16. During dispute with Koreans, be sure to keep the door and windows locked up and stay home and never leave home to meet them even when you are called out because they pretend to be your company and may attempt outrage and/or manslaughter.

[Asahi Newspaper is a Korean-oriented newspaper]

Asahi newspaper announced on Aug. 5, 2014 in its front page that all the articles aboutcomfort womencarried so far in the Asahi paper are found false.

All the articles carried in the paper regarding the comfort women, were based on the book written by Seiji Yoshida as the paper trusted his statement. Then Asahi Newspaper apologized for carrying untrue articles.

This fellow Yoshida is so terrible a guy that he never means what he says.

He talks without thinking, and said he was a Japanese soldier, but actually he was not.

『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!

