Preface (はしがき) | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


Publisher wanted!

You Koreans, Why dont you kneel down on the ground to Japanese?



I really do want all Koreans to peruse this book, because there the real relationship between Japan and Korea is clearly described.

What Koreans living in Japan should do first of all, you must thank Japanese for their safe residence in this great super-advanced Country,sincerely.

Also, Koreans must thank Japan for their peaceful environment in which they can make huge sum of money in Pachinko business. How happy we are as we can make much money here in Japan and so Japan is a great country to which we owe a lot!is remarks that should come from the bottom of their hearts.

Koreans live on a wide range of business including Pachinko, Consumer

credit business, Pornography industry and so on, are all held and dominated by Koreans, thus allowing them tremendous profits. It is simply because they are in Japan and that is all to it.

Above all, you Koreans must state We do respect Japan very much.And this word of appreciation is the way that leads to goodwill relationship with other countries. This is an idea that has to be taken to heart when one lives in a foreign country. Koreans, sayI love Japan very much and my residence in a peaceful country has made me so rich and every Japanese I know is all good-natured to me, and I must not sleep with my ass showing Japan and its people. I really appreciate their kindness.

To Koreans who say so, we Japanese will never bully, never curse and swear them nor do we say to themGet out of Japan.We will sayYou are a Korean, aren' you?”Japanese will say, "Your country's culture is fine, wishing you the best." This is the typical end of brief conversation.

After owing so much to Japan, how come do Koreans slander Japanese, especially about Imperial Majesty, causing anti-Japanese activities?

In doing such things, it is quite natural they they are hated to an extent to a Japanese shout ofGet out of Japan.

Before anything, Koreans must thank Japanese as it is generally a ground rule of matters. When they are asked why they are here in this country
Japan, they usually say they were forced in. However, this is a flat lie! Koreans now living in Japan had escaped out of the confusion during the Korean strife in Korea, some getting away from being discriminated or others fleeing from being killed in the Saishu Island or Chejudo, all smuggling to Japan by boat.

Most Koreans now living in Japan are smugglers. However, Japan had warmly welcomed them, allowing them life-protecting privilege and even health insurance. Owing this supports, some have become millionaire. Mr.Son Masayoshi is a Korean living in Japan and is a super millionaire of some trillions of yen.   

Mr.Son Dejack of S association is also a Korean owing assets of some trillions of yen. Whose is these money, so valuable? Originally, all these money ought to belong to Japanese. Koreans say to the effect that they were forcibly brought into Japan and they shouldnt lie that because actually they smuggled. They also lied that they are posterity of those who were forced in Japan as if they were victim. This is one of the most terrible lie to be noticed.

Japan abandoned all its armament at the time of war termination and police had no guns and saber on them. Taking advantage of this, Koreans smuggled in Japan, calling themselves Korean volunteer army or Korean Occupation force. They were armed with pistols and rifles. They shouted they declared they were the people of the country that won the last war. Korea is never a victorious nation. Koreans fought the Greater East Asian War with Japanese. It should be noted that there were as many as 5,000 officers from Korea in the Japanese forces surprisingly, with about 1,000 of them killed as members of the Kamikaze Special Attack Corps. In this sense, Koreans were so to speak fellow soldiers that fought together.

There wasn't any country called Korea, but only the great empire Japan existed when talking about the war.

The moment that Japan lost the war, Korean people lied that they won the war. To this lie, GHQ made an objection, sayingYou Koreans fought with the Japanese soldiers together, didn't you and how can you say that? Never giving up their delusion, Koreans asked GHQ authority insistently to make Korea a victorious country over the war.

Unless America admits that Japan has made Korea its colony, they can maintain their justice. Koreans were Japanese nationals. Korea was not  Japan's colony and the Koreans were Japanese people, but their justice disappears unless it is a colony.

Free and independent of Japan's occupation by America, Koreans celebrates “Koufuku-setu”and this celebration loses its meaning if there wasn' any fact that it was not a colony. As already stated, Koreans including 5,000 officers fought the war as Japanese service men.

The father of President Park Kum Hae was the excellent Army 1st lieutenant of Imperial Force of Japan. However, the moment Japan lost the war, Koreans began to say they were the people of the country that won the war. What a stupid lie it is!

Advantageous to America, it allowed them treatments as being an associate

victorious nation. This caused them to conspire, murdering a lot of Japanese people. Newspaper then reported that there were a total of 350 cases of these incidents in a year throughout the country. The survey by GHQ shows that a total of 5,000 Japanese were murdered. ShoutingNow, get away you gook Japanese, we the esteemed Koreans are now getting onand pushing away Japanese passengers, a few cocking Koreans got on the train and thus occupied one whole car.

Because of food shortage, there were many Japanese going countryside by train for food purchase, and those who were unable to get on the car even climbed up the roof but only a few Koreans occupied one whole car. When a Japanese complained it saying it was not right, he was forced off the train at the next stop and violently beaten with a scoop to death.

There were a total of 350 cases of these incidents throughout the country.

It is Korean people that managed to procure daily supplies from US military personnel and built so called black markets, which they exclusively ruled. The land for the markets had been privately owned but the ownership became unknown after air raids. Koreans got it all to themselves at their discretion. Any land if left occupied for 10 to 15 years, will be the

occupiers land, illegally. Some Koreans beat an aged landlady to death and made it their land.

After all these, such busy towns as Kabukicho, Shinbashi and Ginza, of Tokyo and expensive areas in front of the train station in the local cities, are all owned by Koreans. They couldnt have bought these areas in the normal transaction. Undoubtedly this is the fact. They got the land this way and then started Pachinko business, thus making muchmoney.

Mr.Son Masayoshi built his house with waste boards illegally over the ditch and started his rich life there in Kyushu.

Mr. Son Masayoshi built his house with waste boards illegally over the ditch  

and started his rich life there in Kyushu. Some Koreans illegally started living on the riverbank in Kyoto. Some traces of their illegal living are found in Kawasaki of Kanagawa prefecture. Expensive areas in front of major train stations throughout the country are illegally taken and occupied by them after murdering the legal owners.

The same can be seen in Namamugi of Yokohama, where I was born. There is heights there, where only Koreans are seen to live. Imperceptibly they took the heights. This must not be forgotten.

Japanese government concluded the San Francisco peace treaty in 1951,Japan then becoming an independent country. Right after this, Koreans couldnt continue their violence with guns so that what they called Korean force were separated into two groups, one becoming Yakuza or Gangster and the other Joining Souren, General Association of Korean Residents.

Beside this, why is it that Koreans are lying about Japan making Korea its colony. Whatever Koreans say, it is full of lie. Mr. Sonde jaku saysJapan made Korea its colony and robbed Koreans of their wealth by mercilessly assaulting them. This is not true, but the opposite is true.

Koreans then were so late and developing their culture that they couldn't read, but Japan helped teach them to read with compassion. It was Korean Yanban(aristocraft) that caused torture. To this Yanban, the torturing was just a routine acts that they practiced. Japan was the country that tried to make Korea a modern nation by stopping such torturing, eating shit and dancingByo-shin-maithat mocked disabled persons During the age of Japan-Korea annexation, Japan spent 36 years to build 10,000 primary schools, a number of colleges and higher education institutes and womens high schools, thus providing them with excellent education system. Prior to Japan's Hokkaido University, Japan made them Keijou Imperial University. After all these aiding and assistance, helping and aiding to modernize the country, Koreans never shows a bit of appreciation. We really expect them to thoroughly clean up their acts. Never did Japan make Korea its colony.

Since and because Japan annexed Korea, Japan had made its efforts at its

own cost to improve the country. Under no circumstances should Korea lie that Korea was made a colony of Japan. This is where all the Korean problems begin. Korea was made a colony of Japanis a groundless lie.

The Japan-Korea annexation was requested by Korea after approved by the Korean diet, asking Japan to annex Korea. Japan then approved and accepted it by the diet. And that is all to it. This is proved by the fact that Highness Rigin of Korea was allowed to become the imperial family. Is there any colonial ruling under this kind of situation?

There cant be any. Another evidence is that he married Japanese Princess Nashimotonomiya Masako. It should be noted that as many as 76 Korean Yanbans were allowed dignity Furthermore, in the Imperial Japanese military force, there were a totalof 5,000 Korean officers in service, having some Japanese subordinates under them. In this circumstances, how can Koreans complain that the country is a colony. So, stop you Koreans telling the flat lies. It is not until Koreans thank Japan and apologize for their rudeness that goodwill relationship between Japan and Korea is restored.

How can Koreans complain about what they call comfort women as if they had existed, and have built statues of such women every where in the world? When they get home, they drink Tonsuru(shit Sake). 

Reflect on yourselves, Koreans!

June, 2015

Dr. Hiroshi Nakasugi

『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!

