7/30から8/1まで60代の母とWDW に行ってきました。






6:55にアラームをかけて、5分前からアプリを開き、予習した通りホテルのWifiを解除してデータ通信に切り替え、アトラクションと応募人数を選択してスタンバイ。そしてスマホの時計が7時に切り替わったタイミングでjoinを押しました。しかしその勢いで画面をよく確認しないまま進んだら勝手に画面が閉じてしまいました。バーチャルQが取得できたかどうか分からなかったので、My Dayの画面で確認したら、今日の予定にトロンの表示がなく、バーチャルQは取れなかったのだと勝手に思い込んでしました。




後から分かったのですが、バーチャルQの結果はMy Day には現れず、別のMy Queuesという画面から確認ができるようです。バーチャルQが取れたかどうかでその日の予定が変わってくると思うので、皆さんはMy Queuesから必ず確認してくださいね!


 <writing practice>

I went to WDW with my mom in her 60s from July 30th to August 1st.

On the second day, I was supposed to go to Magic Kingdom, so I joined a battle for Virtual Queue in my hotel room. Virtual Queue is a kind of free numbered ticket for the most popular attractions, which we can take through MDE app at 7 AM and 1 PM every day. Tron and Tiana's Bayou Adventure had a Virtual Queue in Magic Kingdom now, and I tried to get Tron's Virtual Queue this time.


I set the alarm at 6:55, opened the app 5 minutes ahead of schedule,  disconnected the hotel's Wifi, connected data communication, chose the attraction and number of people, and waited as I learned beforehand. Right after the clock of my smartphone struck 7 AM, I pressed the Join button. Since I proceeded without carefully watching the display, It automatically closed, and I didn't know whether I could get the Virtual Queue. Since I wanted to check the result, I opened My Day, and there was no schedule for Tron on the page. That was why I thought I couldn't take the Virtual Queue.


Afterward, While I was enjoying other attractions at Magic Kingdom, I got a notification on my phone at 11:20, which said I was called and I had to go to Tron in 1 hour because my turn was coming. I never noticed without this notification.


I didn't know at the time but It seemed that the result of the Virtual Queue didn't come up on the My Day but My Queues. I think your schedule will change depending on whether you can get Virtual Queue or not, so please check My Queue to check the result.