








マイケル - 旅における私たちの立場








Luce Light

February 8, 2023

Michael- Our Position on the Journey


Today is quite an interesting day. Interesting because the minds are more distinct, some believing in the New World, forgetting the world around them, and understanding that each person has to be where they need to be, making his soul's choice worth it. Many still ask themselves, "Am I becoming insensitive because I no longer suffer and no longer cry when I see a tragedy taking place, and my heart is tranquil?" And I say, No, you are not insensitive; you are simply enforcing all the teachings of the past: not to suffer another's suffering and to understand that everyone has their moment, that every soul is in the moment—in the now, where they needed to be to accomplish all that was self-determined when they incarnated.

I can assure you that those who feel this way about the world outside already have a good part of their journey fulfilled, already positioned towards the Light. Are they perfect? No, they still make mistakes. But they can look at their mistakes, seek forgiveness, and understand that they can no longer repeat them. In other words, they are applying everything they have learned thus far, seeking balance all the time, seeking peace in their hearts, and they seek to emanate peace, Love, and harmony. They still let themselves be caught by traps from the outside, from external people, but quickly understand them and try to regain balance. I can't say, unfortunately, that it's a big group; it's a small group that succeeds in effectively following its path to the Fifth Dimension.

We then proceed to the median group. Why median? Because they're doing everything I mentioned about that first group, but there are times when they are still involved in the world around them; there are times when they make mistakes and don't recognize their mistakes; there are moments when they let people around them take them out of balance and don't try to get back in balance. It's like they're on a swing; some days, they're on the way to the Fifth Dimension, and others take shortcuts and stray from this route. Then, until one fine day, they remember everything again and head back to the path to the Fifth Dimension.

I can tell you that these are the most significant numbers. So many of you still can't keep yourself in total balance; you can't keep yourself taking it all in with grit, determination, and humility to accept your own mistakes. You still fight a lot against it. In other words, the ego is still holding the cards. It's still saying, "Go, do it; you can, you must!" And you get carried away, but at least sometimes you come to your senses and start this whole process over again to resume the journey through the Fifth Dimension. Some get there quickly; some take a little longer, but they get there. And you're in that swing, sometimes there, sometimes taking a shortcut.

I would say those people need to be more dedicated and committed to themselves to avoid taking shortcuts. The commitment has to be sharper, and no, don't see the commitment with me or anyone else; it's with you. You are in ascension, not us; there is no commitment with us; there is the commitment to your own path, not to us.

Now let's talk about the third group. They hear, but they don't listen. They don't want to learn or change, and they continue to do what they've always done because they don't think that path is worth walking on; they don't believe in it; they don't believe in change; they don't believe in the New World. So they just listen and keep going further and further down the path, not towards the Fifth Dimension, but to continue in the Third. So they put themselves in uncomfortable situations, say inappropriate things, and have attitudes that are not relevant at present.

But interestingly, if someone asks, "Have you awakened yet?" They answer affirmatively, "Yes, I have awakened; I am preparing for the New World!" because they don't want to admit they aren't. Then they just lie—they lie relentlessly to themselves.

That's too bad because they may not have time tomorrow to decide to go in the right direction. After all, the change is profound. Even those who are part of the first group still slip; no one is yet perfect; no one is ready. Some are very close to the vibration of the Fifth Dimension, and for them, the ascent is near. So imagine those who do nothing, change nothing, and act only on what the ego determines and bother others. They bring no harmony; on the contrary, they bring discord wherever they go; they bring unbalance, and they think they're living up to what they think is right, that they don't care who's on the other side at all. This is unfortunate because they are really following a path that is not that of the Fifth Dimension.

Many people ask themselves and us, "What do I need to do to get on the path of the Fifth Dimension?" The path is long, and the changes must be profound, requiring much forgiveness, detachment, and new understandings. Whoever is ready and has decided, "I am going" will have to have a lot of willpower. Because more and more things will intensify, but if you determine, "I want" or "I will," all will be done to help you on your path. Don't understand that we're going to make it easier; the change is internal, but we will collaborate so that the external is softer.

So, brothers and sisters, what group do you belong to? No, this isn't the separation of Tares from Wheat; Tares and Wheat are Light and darkness, respectively. And everyone that I mentioned here in those groups is Light. I am not quoting the Darkness; I am just quoting what each one is choosing to live by. Right now, whatever decision you take, if you ask for it, you'll have our help. We are just an inch away from each of you, but you need to ask. You need to be humble and ask for help. And be assured that we are always ready, never to judge you, but to guide you and to help you on your path to the Fifth Dimension.


**Channel: Vania Rodriguez


**Translation to English by




Vania Rodriguezさん星ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ

Luce Lightさん星ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ
