シナラ 💜🌎💜







Erena Velazquez


Sinara 💜🌎💜

Greetings Humanity,

I, priestess Sinara of Arcturian High Council, am transmitting this communication on behalf of my civilization in support of your Ascension Process by moving from a low dimensional existence into high dimensions of New Earth.

Mother Gaia has started the cleansing process by flashing out negative residues of energies stock inside the planet, which can trigger unexpected events. Her intentions are pure not to cause any harm to her inhabitants. Recently, she was shaken by multitude of earthquakes in different parts of the globe. Leftovers of Reptilian’s group were putting a fight and refusing to surrender that caused numerous underground explosions, which have shaken the whole planet.

Many souls left physical bodies in Turkey and Syria, they are right now in transition to receive new bodies. Don’t be sad, they are alive as you are, the only difference is that they lost physicality and are in pure form as soul. The Awaken ones have been trying to make sense, why they are still here, and when is the transformation finally going to occur. Each soul choose to be here to experience life and fulfill their mission.

We are all connected despite distances and dimensions. We feel your pain, sadness, fear and etc. as we are all one. My civilization and I are sending Supreme Love and Blessings to all of you. Don’t ever afraid to face the challenges, accept them with peace in your heart. Nothing and nobody can’t interfere with your spiritual quest. The ones who already left or leaving Mother Earth, their souls have other plans or they are not ready to ascend into 5D. They are not your concern anymore, your focus is continuously staying in high vibrations through meditations.

Become observer in this made up animation and don’t be participant. When you detach from make believe truth of 3D, you are going to notice right away that it doesn’t effect you anymore, and also your life is becoming each day more peaceful and happier. Divine Plan is in works without anyone knowing, Darkness is confused and fearful, as it doesn’t know next movement of Light. The plans can’t be disclosed to your opponent. You are still in transition into 5D, Darkness knew all plans and stopped them. Now, it’s in puzzle for them, and it will stay that way. Divine intervention was necessary to prevent from more upcoming failures in transition into Golden Age.

Stay in deep gratitude daily, express your Love to surroundings and everyone you meet. Before you know, miracles will appear in your life and everyone’s you care for. Thank you Universal Channel. Please, accept our Support and Faith in you.

Trust Divine


Channeled by Erena Velazquez




Erena Velazquezさん星ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ