



Erena Velazquez

9月17日 15:50  · 

The Voice of Universal Consciousness 💗🎤🌎💗

Greetings Dear Humankind,

I am the Voice of Universal Consciousness transmitting today Love and Light to humanity. Your surroundings, which are holographic images, will be replaced in the near future with high vibrational energies on New Earth. Many of you, who are still asleep, will leave their physical bodies and end up somewhere else similar to 3D Earth to finish up their awaking and transformation.

Right now, your planet is transitioning to get rid of 3D’s shell. All plans made 20 years ago or longer are not suitable anymore. Your evolution got stagnant for a while, and it took longer, then it was expected to move to the next phase. Recently, the Galactic Council of New Earth during their meeting discussed about upcoming events, which will speed up the metamorphosis. More humans are going to get awake during unexpected occurrences. There are floating around numerous scenarios, how these changes are going to elevate on Earth. The newest plan has been not disclosed to humankind to keep the Dark Souls guessing.

The ones, who are ready to ascend, don’t need to take anything with them from Matrix including money. Nobody uses money in high dimensional realms. If you plan to use the base and the tools from low dimensional 3D to create new 5D Earth, it will never work. Ascended Masters, Supreme Father, Prime Creator, Buddha and other Light Beings mentioned in their messages, that this process has been never done before like ascending with physical bodies.

Humanity have been living in duality for a very longtime and forgot, who you really are. Your memories will come back, when you are ready to accept them. Everyone needs to release old attachments like ego, hate, judgment, distrust and etc. You can’t ascend, if you are constantly entertaining negative emotions. Please, daily express gratitude and send to everyone Love and Light.

Mother Earth and humankind suffered for billions of years. Now is the time to be loving and kind to each other. You are going to win this battle with Darkness. Each of you is a particle of Universal Consciousness, who chose to explore different forms in Cosmos. Please, remember we are all always connected and represent Collective Consciousness. You are Light and Love. Thank you Universal Channel.

You are Me, and I am You.

The Voice of Universal Consciousness

Channeled by Erena Velazquez




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