




4G can easily cause blood clots

The Smartphone Devil's Murder

The clot-forming effect of 5G millimeter waves is well known1). However, it is less well known that even 4G can easily cause blood clots and even death if irradiated in the immediate vicinity.
The act of talking with a cell phone demon held to the ear is synonymous with suicidal and homicidal behavior.
Similarly, using the phone function of a smartphone demon near the head of a sleeping person can cause a blood clot and lead to murder.
If the phone devil's phone function is turned on and placed beside a sleeping person, based on the law of "electromagnetic waves weaken multiplied by two tatami mats of distance," a blood clot will be created and the sleeper will suffer a stroke and die.
Even if it does not lead to death, it is easy to cause a blood clot and cause a serious medical condition.

(Sentence) Death penalty, amen.

Is there any literature that says that even 4G can easily cause blood clots if you use the smart phone devil near your head?
4G causes blood clots, yes.
A blood clot may be caused by a smart phone demon.

Thank you in advance.














Is very interesting that I just published this video on my telegram channel about this same issue.
Here they show with older measurements, using dark field microscope, before and after exposure to smart meters, which operate on 3g frequencies,  show the blood clots forming with Rouleaux effects.
While I am no doctor, and cannot confirm this stronger statement, ie to cause immediate blood clot and dead, I know this is really bad (I suffered a lot my self) and for injected people I think the risk is very high.
In this link I can share a selection of important studies I collected: https://8j1pmq.s.cld.pt 
And here my Telegram channel about electrosmog: https://t.me/electrosmoginfo 
Hope this is useful to you
Kind regards




一方、重要なことをシェアしたいと思います。私たちの多くが複数のものを標的にしていることがわかりました。しかし、"彼ら "は私たちを倒すために複数のものを使う(私たちがあまり深刻なスレッドでない間は、"彼ら "は "軽い "武器を使うが、最終的にはもっと深刻になるかもしれない)。



リンク https://m22b9f.s.cld.pt



Hi Stefan

 thanks a lot for sharing all the info with me, and sorry for not coming back sooner.
I am going thru lot of stuff, looking into some solutions for better water and air, related to orgone energy. I am learning more and once I know for sure something works I get back to you.
Meanwhile wanted to share something important, I found out that many of us are targeted with multiple things, at some point I also could only explain it due to Satellite beams being sent to me. But “they” use multiples things to put us down (while we are not too serious thread, "they” will use “lighter” weapons, but eventually it may get more serious).
In may case I was targeted by 5 vodus, which are very strong magics, and took me 9 months to get better. This is too serious to be joking or waisting your time and mine , I would not be sharing if didnt have strong evidences and practical experiences with how this messed my life and how I got better. So wanted to make you aware. They will use whatever they can.
Meanwhile received some good audios which I use on regular basis to go into altered state and cleanse mind/spirit and it helps me, works at unconscious level, triggering energy protection and solving some stuff, that raises our vibration. Been using this for 6 months and I know is effective, but do not be ashamed of checking with a Shaman if you suspicious of something going the wrong way at some thing, and need extra support.
The online folder contains audios and instructions, hope this can help some of you, or people you know.
Kind regards
しかし、中国・武漢での5Gでの突然死は5Gミリ波ではなく5Gsub6 だったはずです。5Gsub6 とは4Gより、ほんの少し周波数が増えているだけです。

























