


1回目2回目の後は、7.83Hz の電磁波治療器が効いていましたが、3回目を打ってからは全く効かなくなって使わなくなりました。
つまり、「deep state」は5Gに負けない人間を造り、5Gで人類を完全支配するためです。
パソコンもEthernet のデスクトップパソコンにしています。
家の wifi-ルーターとの交信は為ないようにしています。


「deep state」は5Gで人民が死んでしまっては困る、死なないまでも病気または体調不良になっては困るから、ワクチンを持ってきたと確信しています。

私が思うには、ワクチンを何回打ったかで「deep state」への忠誠心を図るようです。今後、食料飢饉が来ます。その時、ワクチン打ってない人は(または1回か2回だけしか打ってない人)食料配給権を貰えなくて飢え死にするしか無いようです。






I noticed about a year ago that none of the 300 inpatients and 80 staff at my psychiatric hospital have died, and that there have been only a few adverse reactions, with a young woman having a painless fever of about 38 degrees for a day or so after the first few times she was vaccinated. The vaccine is from Pfizer. And the hospital is on top of a mountain in a very rural area with no connection to 5G. It used to be so difficult to get a cell phone signal.
Of course, the person who received the vaccine had a sore arm area that lasted only a day or half a day. Some people would experience fatigue, but it would subside after a day or half a day or so.
That's when I realized I had been deceived. I realized that there were many operatives who were trying to incite adverse reactions to vaccines. They were paid and seemed to be on a mission to complete the Corona farce.
When I exposed the lies of PCR testing on my blog, several agents interrupted my blog.
It was when I wrote a summer assignment on my blog titled "Make PCR Tests for Various Things". They interfered with the thing.
But their knowledge was poor, and I was sure it was a part-time job.
The first two times I took the vaccine, I felt great, my mind was very stable, and I felt very calm for about three days. I realized that I had electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
However, the third time I took it after an interval of six months, it did not change at all and I became more sluggish. It may have been my imagination.
It seems that the first and second times cured me of my electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
I remember that the first and second sensation was one or three weeks.
The third time was after six months.
By the third time, my electromagnetic hypersensitivity was already completely cured and it didn't seem to work.
When I asked other people, none of them were in great shape after the vaccine.
After the first two times, the 7.83 Hz electromagnetic wave therapy device worked, but after the third time, it did not work at all and I stopped using it.
I think it is because the electromagnetic hypersensitivity was completely cured after the third time.
In other words, the "DEEP STATE" is to create humans who cannot be defeated by 5G and to completely dominate the human race with 5G.
Since animals are born with something in their bodies that reacts to electromagnetic waves such as 5G, there is no need to vaccinate them.
Vaccines were to make them insensitive to 5G and other electromagnetic waves, in other words, it was the other way around.
You can completely control an animal with 5G only, and with smart-phone demons, you have complete control.
Therefore, I do not use smart phone demons.
My computer is also an Ethernet desktop computer.
I try not to communicate with my home wifi-router.
Electromagnetic radiation weakens as the square of the distance. I try not to use only smart phone demons from
Thank you very much.



I am convinced, after having been vaccinated three times, that there is something in the vaccine that makes people desensitized to electromagnetic radiation and mitigates its side effects.
I am convinced that the "deep state" brought the vaccine because they don't want the people to die from 5G, or if they don't die, they don't want them to be sick or unwell.
And, importantly, each animal has an IP-address. We learn this in medical school (although many medical schools don't teach it.) This is why vaccines only contain 5G and other things that protect us from electromagnetic radiation.
Personal information is completely controlled by Artificial Intelligence, which gets it from the smart phone demon. So I don't use the smart phone demon.
It is also possible to kill that individual from the smart phone demon, which is possible with the 5G killer smart phone demon.
So, please take care.



Re P.S.
My guess is that it seems to be a measure of loyalty to the "DEEP STATE" based on how many times you have been vaccinated. There is a food famine coming in the future. When that happens, it seems that those who haven't been vaccinated (or those who have only been vaccinated once or twice) will have no choice but to starve to death because they won't get food rations.
I have a friend who is a guy who was on the Phantom. He was one of the top three pilots in Japan who flew the Phantom, which only one out of 200 people in the Air Self-Defense Force can fly, and only those who are extremely qualified can fly.
The private hospitals were all Pfizer with few side effects, but the public hospitals were all Modeler with rumored strong side effects (I don't know if this is the case in places with 5G or not. (I don't know if this is true in places with 5G, but I live in a rural area with no access to 5G). The hospital where I work was Pfizer. Maybe that's why the side effects were so weak.
Well, I wish you all the best.

