오늘은 지바현에 있는 마쓰도시민회관에서 한국요리 수업을 진행했어요.
치즈 특집이라서 치즈순두부찌개,치즈김치김밥,치즈계란말이를 시연하고 만드는 시간이었어요.
24명의 일본분들이 참여해 주셨고 열심히 수업에 참여하시는 모습에 감명 받았습니다!


Today, I had a Korean cooking class at the Matsudoshi Community Center in Chiba Prefecture.
It was a cheese special, so it was time to demonstrate cheese soft tofu stew, cheese kimchi gimbap, and rolled omelet with cheese.
Twenty-four Japanese participated and I was impressed by how hard they participated in the class!

어제는 도쿄가 28도로 더운 날씨여서 밖에 나가지 않고 하루종일 마카롱을 만들었어요~
12년만에 만나자고 연락 온 홍콩친구에게 선물하고 싶어서 홍콩국기,한국국기,일본국기를 아이싱 해보았습니다🥹
혼자 만들기 심심해서 헬로톡 라이브를 켜고 진행했는데 게스트로 올라와 준 Jacqueline님이 미얀마 출신이라서 미얀마 국기도 그려보았답니다☺️
멋진 노래와 연주를 라이브해 준 재클린님에게 감사를 표합니다🥰

Yesterday, Tokyo was hot at 28 degrees, so I didn't go outside and made macaroons all day long😁
I wanted to give the Hong Kong flag, Korean flag, and Japanese flag as a present to my Hong Kong friend who called me to meet after 12 years, so I tried icing 🥹
I was bored to make it by myself, so I turned on Hello Talk Live. Jacqueline, who came as a guest, is from Myanmar, so I drew the flag of Myanmar. ☺ ️
I would like to thank Jacqueline for her amazing songs and performances 🥰

소고기 뼈를 6시간 푹 고아서 만든 “사골곰탕”
요즘 계속 비가 와서 기운이 나질 않는데 곰탕 먹고 힘 좀 내야겠어요☔️💦🌦️🌧️☂️

Beef bone soup made by boiling beef bones for 6 hours🐂
I don‘t feel energized because it’s been raining these days, but I‘ll have to eat gomtang and cheer up. ☔ ️ 💦🌦 ️ 🌧 ️ ☂ ️


#사골곰탕 #牛骨コムタン #BeefGomtang #Gomtang

까루아 커피 리큐르,맛차 리큐르를 넣어 만든 색다른 맛의 보쌈😁


A different taste of “Bossam”made with Kahlua coffee liqueur and flavored tea liqueur😬