On Thursday, I went Career Development Centre and I had my CV checked again.

After that, I went Westminster Abby as a university’s trip.

みかんせい in LONDON

みかんせい in LONDON

However unfortunately, it was closed because there was a kind of ceremony. So we had a quick look and went a pub with teacher. To be precise, he is not a teacher but a sort of officer and he holds the lectures about British history. I really love him and we have a very good relationship! Lol

Oh and I bought an electrical kettle. Lol

Then I started to think about my internship experience,,,

If I apply it now I have to work 20hours a week during next module.

I think internship is compatible with classes but I guess I can’t stop prioritizing internship,,,

That’s what I’ve been doing in my uni life. However I would like to change it actually.

I need more “knowledge”.

I consulted my friends and decided. I will not apply for it now. I want to join internship at best timing.

That was not negative decision. I just focused on my target.

I’ve already found an ideal company so I had better contact them directory without uni organization in holidays.

I’m still excited now I can use plenty of time to research them.

I spent a lot of time to write my CV but I can use them in another chance and all of conversation was so useful for me. Especially the meeting at Career Development Centre was like real company’s interview so it was practical!

Ah-ha am tired! Bye!

bu the way this is the oldest door in the UK! built in 1910? I forgot lol

みかんせい in LONDON

and this is my dinner. I revenged rice and it was better than before~

みかんせい in LONDON