
Today I finally realized that my hobby is COOKING!! Lol

I could hardly answer the question “What’s your hobby?”.

I am interested in various things but I wasn’t sure what my hobby is.

However I’ve been really enjoying cooking since I came to London.

I’m inventing new dishes everyday! (Most of them are

In addition, I guess (hope) it is improving.

I rarely read recipe otherwise I don’t remember how to cook.

I love creating new things by myself.

I often eat pasta & soup because they are so easy to cook,,, I can put everything in just one bowl.

みかんせい in LONDON

みかんせい in LONDON

However I got fed up with pasta these days,,, so I stepped forward in a new territories! Ha-ha

I invented ラーメンish! (ish means 的な?)

みかんせい in LONDON

The most remarkable challenge is this!

みかんせい in LONDON

I cooked rice with my sauce pan for the first time!

Some Japanese students brought a big rice cooker from their home (I don’t know how they could manage to bring such a heavy machine,,,), and others use easy rice cooker seems like a Tupper.

However, somehow I don’t want use these things! Lol

It was little dry so next time I’ll steep rice in water more long time.

OK~ time to sleep! Bye~