Hi! Long time no see everyone!

How have you been? Me? I caught a cold yeah~lol but now I’ve got better!

Ah-ha I have many things that I really want to tell you in this blog,,,

Then, WHY didn’t I write this blog?

Oh well there are three major reasons (you know this is most common style of reports).

First, I didn’t have enough time to write a blog. I rather like to spend my time for studying, cooking, cleaning my room, chatting with friends and so on. It takes long time to write a diary in English, but I’ve got used to express my thoughts in English so it’s better than before.

Second, I like writing something. It means I really care about every single word. In Japanese, I have my own style of writing but I can’t translate them in English. It makes me irritated. Sometimes I cared about the details too much. That fact prevented me from writing English. However I decided not to care about the details otherwise my English skills won’t change at all.

Finally, I couldn’t stop thinking myself as stupid!lol I went many places in London, but it was like just a tourist. I came here not to do sightseeing. That’s one of the big reason I didn’t want to write about my memories. However, now I find good academic society and I can tell you about more serious topics!(I guess,lol)

I will write about what happened to me last 2 weeks later.

see you~