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"Because I am handicapped, I can give something back to society."

The founder, Naoki Hamada, is pioneering a path that is not easy.

His disability, Treacher Collins Syndrome, is part of his everyday life.


There is a system in which the government subsidizes the number of people who use the business.

His idea is not to exploit the benefit only by the business owners but to give back to the users.

The number of users, which was zero at the time of opening, has exceeded 10.


The system is such that the coffee prepared at "RENDEAF WORKS" is served at "RENDEAF COFFEE" and the hotels with which the company has contracts.


The number of users of "RENDEAF COFFEE," which regularly holds sign language classes, has also increased,

Slowly but surely, the business is beginning to turn around.


There is much to learn from Mr. Hamada.


His ability to take action and do what he can will make a difference in the world.


Why don't you join us in creating a kindly society?