終戦記念日☆Blowin’ In The Wind | Yasuzo Official Blog

Yasuzo Official Blog

音楽 映画 スポーツ 写真 京都 猫 政治経済 社会問題 笑い 詩 小説、様々な事をブログに書いています。皆さんが気軽に遊びに来てくれると幸いです。どうぞよろしく。*\(^o^)/*

How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, and how many times must
 the cannon balls fly
Before they’re forever banned?

The answer, my friend, 
is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Yes, and how many years can 
a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, and how many years can 
some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes, and how many times can 
a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn’t see?

The answer, my friend, 
is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Yes, and how many times must 
a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, and how many ears 
must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, and how many deaths  
will it take ‘til he knows
That too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is 
blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

John Lennon – Imagine

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today・・・


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace・・・

You fu・・・

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the word・・・

You fu・・・

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one



(歴史的事実を述べると、アメリカ合衆国に「戦線布告」する直前に真珠湾攻撃を行った事から、大国アメリカ合衆国と全面戦争に至る。これは個人的な意見だけど、戦争に反対して投獄された少数の人や赤ちゃんや幼い子供以外のほとんどの日本人にも、僅かながらの戦争責任があると言っても過言ではないだろう! 何れにせよ、人類の歴史を振り返ってみると、古今東西戦争の無かった時代はほとんどなく、今現在でもウクライナvsロシアの泥沼の戦いが続いている。人間は絶大な権利を握ると、時には悪魔にも変貌する。ヒトラー、スターリン、フセイン、チャウセスク、毛沢東、習近平、金正恩、プーチン、他多数、、、。このような権力者を暴走させない為にも、言論の自由は非常に大切だということは説明するまでもないだろう!


作詞:Michael Jackson     

作曲:Michael Jackson

(Think about, um, the generations,

and that we want to make it 

a better place for

our children and our children's children

so that they know it's a better 

world for them.

I think they can make it a better place.)

There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love

And this place could be much 

brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try

You'll find there's no need to cry

In this place

You'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living

Make a little space

Make a better place

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire 

human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why

There's a love that cannot lie

Love is strong

It only cares for joyful giving

If we try

We shall see

In this bliss we cannot feel

Fear or dread

We stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always

Love's enough for us growing

Make a better world

Make a better world...

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire 

human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

And the dream we were conceived 

in will reveal a joyful face

And the world we once believed 

in will shine again in grace

Then why do we keep strangling life

Would this earth crucify its soul?

Though it's plain to see

This world is heavenly

Be God's glow

We could fly so high

Let our spirits never die

In my heart

I feel you are all my brothers

Create a world

With no fear

Together we'll cry happy tears

See the nations turn their swords 

into plowshares

We could

Really get there

If you cared enough for the living

Make a little space

To make a better place

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire 

human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire 

human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire 

human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

(You and for me)Make a better place

(You and for me)Make a better place

(You and for me)Make a better place