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The invasion of the Ukrainian army into Russian “territory” and the nature of this war The path of the people's struggle




















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Bunnmei Blog.

The invasion of the Ukrainian army into Russian “territory” and the nature of this war The path of the people's struggle

★The invasion of the Ukrainian army into Russian “territory” and the nature of this war The path of the people's struggle On the other hand, the Western press, including the Japanese press, has been reporting the legitimacy of the invasion as self-evident, which we must say is pernicious.
The Ukrainian government's “intention” is to create conditions favorable to the upcoming peace negotiations as part of a diversionary tactic. At least this is the justification for the military invasion from Zelensky's lips. Ukraine is not interested in occupying Russian territory,” a senior Ukrainian official (presidential advisor Mykhailo Podolyak) said on April 16.

★However, such a view is uncertain to begin with. Are you saying that the “innocent” Ukrainian government is not interested in Ukraine carving up parts of Russia, the Crimean Peninsula, and land in southern Russia? Can we believe that the ruling class in Ukraine is just a “selfless government” that is carrying out a “sorry victim” and “forced war”? Can you say that Ukraine also has no intention whatsoever to exploit Russia's weakness and to encompass and control its territory and people under the military support of the West? See the attached photo below, where Zelensky makes the Putin-faced claim that “Kursk is Ukrainian territory in the first place.”
What should be confirmed, however, is that “territory/territory” belongs to the people who live there, cultivating and trading on the land. This is not idealism, but a historical fact demonstrated by human history, and it does not belong to the Moscow power or the Kieu regime, nor should it be contested by them.

★Zelensky's “intention” (to use it as a bargaining chip for peace) is a contradiction or a “fiction. The invasion of Russian territory is not only an escalation of the war, but also increases the likelihood of a prolonged war, which would make the end of the war more difficult to achieve. There is no such thing as an “invasion for peace. In fact, the truth is the opposite. Although Zelensky has traveled the world (mostly in the West) calling for “peace,” the military-bureaucratic Zelensky regime is even more repressive at home, as the Swiss “peace summit” in July was full of deception, and is now rotting from the inside out with massive Western aid and military interests. The military-bureaucratic Zelensky regime is even more repressive at home. Their intention to continue the war (under the guise of fighting Russian barbarism), relying on massive Western aid, is becoming clearer and clearer.

★It is not easy for Western governments and capital to pull out of supporting Ukraine now, either. Ukraine's debt has exceeded $100 billion, and according to recent data, Ukraine's foreign debt stands at about $122 billion. Ukraine's debt is a mixture of bilateral and multilateral loans, some from the IMF, G7, EU, US and other international and private financial institutions.

These huge debts are ultimately borne by the Ukrainian people. On the other hand, from the Western government's point of view, this debt will become a scrap of paper in the extreme case of a military defeat of the Ukrainian government. Therefore, the Western governments will not be able to back down. In other words, they cannot simply reject Zelensky's request for continued support. And it is no wonder that the Zelensky administration, convinced of this trend, is now embarking on a hard-line effort to acquire Russian territory, whether to colonize the “new territories” or to use them as a bargaining chip with Russia in the future.

★As we have pointed out many times in this blog, the media's overflowing view of this war as “Ukraine vs. Russia” or “Ukrainians vs. Russians” is only a superficial story, caught up in physical phenomena. In reality, the war in Ukraine was started and fought as a question of which class or dominant group would dominate and exploit the Ukrainian people (or the Russian people).

 The war has been planned and carried out by the Russian siloviki (people from the military, intelligence, police, law enforcement, etc., who possess power) and Russian conglomerate capital. On the other hand, the current war against Russia has been promoted by the neoliberal bourgeois class, the existing conglomerates and bureaucrats, including Zelensky, the servants of the people, and others in Ukraine.Of course, irrationally, it is the people on both sides who actually fight and are wounded and fall.

 Unfortunately, the current Ukrainian military has little of a people's army nature. The Ukrainian ruling class, through the war against Russia, is trying to exterminate the Russian ruling class, to gain control of Ukraine, and to carve up Russian territory at will (whether or not they succeed or fail).

★The invasion of Ukrainian troops into Russian territory is a political blow to Putin, and is significant only in that it could encourage and energize a new anti-war and anti-Putin movement in Russia. Now, peace and harmony in Ukraine and its vicinity cannot be expected from Putin, nor should it be expected from the new war forces in the Ukrainian government. Just as the overthrow of Putin's regime is in the great future interests of the Russian people, the overthrow of Zelensky's regime has emerged as the most urgent task of the Ukrainian people. The possibility - however remote - of the people of Ukraine taking military initiative and embodying the will of the people and moving toward genuine peace is not zero. (End)