FOR INT'L EELS Text trans of JKS IG LIVE 2.17.17 | ya-chanのブログ


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Thank you for such a cute picture, JuAeRyung주애령 JKS장근석
Text translation of JKS IG LIVE on February 17, 2017
On the chair lift
Text translation from Korean into Japanese:
Thank you so much for your translation, showerin.
English translation: Marchneko-chan @yachan19870804
I came here to ski on the slushy snow.
I'm doing this IG LIVE to pick up girls, am not I ?
Bowling, let'z go !
Let'z go !
Slush, let'z go !
Guess where I am.
Guess ~ !
I'm fine, thank you.  And you ?
From 7 o'clock in the morning, let'z go !
I'm ....... at 7 o'clock ....... ( ??? )
1400 are coming (to my Lotte Fan Meeting).
Amazing popularity ~ !
MY EELS ~ ! !
My hands are getting really paralyzed with cold
but I'm bearing this cold in order to feel your love for me.
There's no love...  No, not like that !  There's soooo much love !
Well, thank you for your hard work ~ !
Downhill skiing
Text translation from Korean into Japanese:
Again, thank you so much for your translation, showerin.
English translation: Marchneko-chan @yachan19870804
Hello, my eels !  Are you ready ?
(Anyway, why don't we ski down a slope a bit ?)
Let'z go !
(OMG !  My hands are paralyzed with cold !)
Ha ha ha ha .....   Bye, bye ~ !
(How can I stop this ?  How can I turn it off ?  Oh, I've found "end " here.)