(originally posted on 2016-09-16 | 07:10:00)




About the treatments to reduce the side effects of chemo, 


I’ve been trying the same Taxol at some different hospitals. 


The common reaction to the side effects is to cool down.

But the timing of cooling varies. 

Some hospitals don’t do the cooling treatment.


I had never heard of the compression treatment!! ↓



When I was receiving FEC chemo, 

I was also sucking ice cubs just as many of you did. 

One of the memories….✨


Back then, I read someone’s blog and 

was impressed to know that you can make some flavored ice cubes 

like strawberry, melon, lemon etc. 

so that you can enjoy different tastes as you feel. 

But I was just too lazy to do that, 

and just had normal plain ice cubes :)


I would imagine some people take very good care of side effects.


I even forget to put a protective agent on my nails recently.

I’m like “It’s okay.  Let’s do it tomorrow.” 

No no….!  I should do it today!! 

I know that I have to…


I wish I were the kind of person who appreciated steady efforts!!!!


But today, 

after reading your comments, 

I feel very refreshed.ドキドキ