Today I heard the presentations of two companies, which were performed in my university.

After the presentation, there were a few seconds when all the paticipants could ask speaker anything about his company or himself.

In the question time, company's person said that students who wanted to get their jobs should select their jobs on the basis of a feeling between them and company's person.

Some students fail to decide their job because they select their jobs on the basis of thier specialities, not their concerns.

He also said students should 'select' their jobs, 'not be selected' by companies.

I thought it was really important and became more interested in talking with actual workers.

I will consider more about the theme in the super express which I am supposed to take to go to Takasaki tomorrow.

132nd day

vocabulary 1278 words

listening time 161 hours

I took the test of analysis of myself.

The result was in good agreement to my conclusion up to now.

I wanna realize 'me' as soon as possible and decide the direction of my job hunting or my future.

By the way, I have to go to Takasaki this week again, from Wednesday to Thursday, to carry out the same experiment done last week.

I am going to go back early evening to attend JOB SESSION on Thursday.

The event is to be held until Friday.

Then, I am going to trip to Tokyo to join the seminar of a consulting firm and JOB FORUM held at Ikebukuro.

The more time passes, the busier I get these days.

4th day (131st day of studying English)

vocabulary 1276 words

listening time 160 hours

※figures in total

I went to Takasaki until yesterday.

I could see large experimetal facilities.

The research worker of the place said that one of them costed about 5 billion dollars.

My professor and I carried out our experiment in a dark room because we had to use the tranmission electron microscope of the facility.

But the condition was hard for me to make experiment.

Since it was always dark and there was no window, I could not feel the sun or even an electronic light.

I could not guess what time it was without my watch.

I felt as if I were in a world where it was always night.

This is my first time to suffer a feeling like jet jag in Japan.

3rd day (130th day of studying English)

vocabulary 1273 words

listening time 159 hours

※figures in total

As I said yesterday, I joined the JOB EXPO today.

And this time was great, too.

I was glad to be able to hear useful information in these two days.

I could know live information.

Next JOB EXPO is going to be held from December 8 to 9 at the same place.

I will consider my future on the basis of information that I could know through JOB EXPO.

By the way, I have to go Takasaki tomorrow and I am supposed to come back the day after tomorrow.

I have to do several experiments using a big apparatus.

Since this is my first trip to Takasaki, I am really looking forward to going there.

2nd day (129th day of studying English)

vocabulary 1272 words

listening time 158 hours

※figures in total

I participated in JOB EXPO 2007 today.

There were many students wearing formal clothes.

Of course, there were many companies in the main hall of the place where the event was held.

I could listen several useful presentations performed by various specialists.

The more I know , the more I became interested in particular jobs.

The event is going to be held tomorrow, too.

I wanna know also about several companies that are supposed to make their presentation tomorrow!

1st day (128th day of studying English)

vocabulary 1270 words

listening time 157 hours