In the current era of big data, the traditional human information collection method has been replaced, and the use of IP proxy has become the most mainstream data acquisition method for crawler programs.
However, the crawler also has some limitations, one of which is that it needs to be used together with a proxy IP, otherwise the real IP will be easily discovered by the website server by directly crawling the data. So, what is the crawler's need for proxy IP?

First of all, IP proxy's highly anonymous proxy IP is crucial. Only by using a highly anonymous proxy IP can you avoid being detected that user requests are sent through the proxy IP. However, using a transparent proxy IP or an ordinary anonymous proxy IP can easily be discovered, causing the user IP not available. Secondly, the crawler needs a stable and efficient proxy IP. The faster the proxy IP, the more tasks the crawler can complete per unit time; the more stable the proxy IP, the higher the crawler's work efficiency.

Finally, IP Proxy has extensive coverage and rich IP resources. Because many websites have restrictions on IP address areas, only proxy IPs with a large number of IP resources all over the place can support crawlers to run efficiently on various sites.