I'm bored...
yesterday was fun <3

im so tired >.<!

I made pictures...I guess ill update *laughs*


Lillyのブログ I dont remember what i looked at xD




Lillyのブログ Lovely willow tree <3 isnt it beautiful?



Mwahaha Spoooky!


my surprise for my mother was a success

<3 Robbie Williams..Maybe not my first choice, but were going!

it was random..

I love taking pictures, now i found out...

the boyfriend of my moms best friend was a professional photographer!

I was shocked ビックリマーク

buuuuttt he wanted to take pictures of me (which he did あせる)

I look normal..so not make up ish...

I'll help him with photos, he said he'd pay my first two concerts i go to *laughs*

I am making a whole plan to surprise my mother...

She has her birthday soon *cheers* and we go to see her idol!

now i have 2 model things, school, work and a secret to keep..pray for me <3
