The Green Berets were sent to the small island of Taiwan, which is a Chinese province. 


The Chinese military's top brass, sensing this, suggested a target on TV, which was a naval blockade of Taiwan. 

By cutting off all fuel, IT products would come to a virtual standstill. 


If this were to happen, IT stocks would plummet and the stock market would lose its grip. Chiang Kai-shek declared that he would invade and take control of mainland China when he escaped from Taiwan. The chairman of TSMC said, "My dream is to return to the mainland...


" Also, NATO Britain has deployed fighter planes to Poland, and is expanding its attacks deeper into Russia, in the name of Ukraine. 


The Middle East is still at war, as it always has been. 


It's as if they entered the country under Britain, fully utilizing the terrorist state that was the Meiji government and turning it into a state of constant war.


 The economy had fallen to GDP1.7 against a target of 2.3, and the US Civil War was a defeat no matter how you look at it, and all that remained was Roosevelt's wartime, no elections, and the British, American and Anglo-Saxon, although it was a taken-over country, so there was almost no strong relationship with the residents there. 


Even at this time, American citizens who had been deceived by the US government's R** and others and made W1 were deceived again, and knew that there was no point in entering the European war, and moreover, there was no point in fighting a major war with a small country with no conflict, such as a war against Japan, and they entered the war with evil news and propaganda. 


At that time, Japan was moving forward with the founding of the Manchurian Empire, and with Ishihara Kanji, Itagaki Seishiro (a Class A war criminal who was executed), and opium as the main means of making money for the Japanese Empire, while the US military had already ordered the Japanese Empire to expand the Pacific War, eliminating some of the good-hearted military personnel who were trying to stop the war to destroy Japanese, and quickly moving towards a new front line. 


As proof of this, US war troops have already been deployed in India, Burma, etc., preparing for the Japanese invasion. 


The opium is, of course, the product of the five Japanese pharmaceutical companies.         The noble words spoken with money, the Japanese military took money from opium, destroyed the Chinese people's personalities, and destroyed the balance of the Japanese nation. 


After the war, they resorted to reverse trials, and furthermore, they forced Japan's assets to flow overseas to be paid as tribute to the Anglo-Saxons. 


The forced purchase of US debt bonds is insane and an extension of the tragedy of the Second World War. 

This is because they are a group of inhumane people who, of course, do not accept Japanese citizens, and they are also children of British and American citizens. The LDP jiminntou and their friends are a group of people who carry out their own actions, so there is no way to describe it. 


The first victory in the south was the result of guerilla tactics by the advanced US military forces, disruption of the Japanese army in the rear, and changes of front lines to counter the Japanese army's night battles, resulting in the deaths of 180,000 of the elite Japanese army. 


For example, there was Major Hanaya, whose ferocity had already been exploited by Ishihara and others in the expansion of the front line in Manchuria, creating the ** incident and leading to a strong military invasion at the time of the southern dotted line, which resulted in a major failure.


 From childhood to the Army School, he worshipped the Emperor, and only understood the relationship between himself and the Emperor, which created resentment, and he had a tendency to dislike victory based on the principle of preserving soldiers, and as a subordinate, he was the worst type of person to fight for the badge on his chest, the type who could be called a friend. 


Their defeat was the slaughter of Japanese soldiers, and at the same time, it was the result of moving forward along the path planned by the Anglo-American**. 


If the Japanese military had not died in large numbers, had survived the war and become a regenerating force, this was something that the Anglo-American** did not want at all, and the Anglo-American direct-linked forces in the upper echelons of the military carried out this as they were supported, resulting in the elimination of 3 million Japanese soldiers. 


This means that there is no way to deal with the current Japanese people, with quotas and other things. 


Police officers, the Self-Defense Forces, etc. are also forced to take injections - this is a concession that they cannot complain about. 


In fact, in California, if a police officer refuses to take an injection, they are immediately fired and made unemployed. 


For the time being, the police and the Self-Defense Forces are maintenance forces within Japan. 

It would probably be the other way around under foreign influence. 


In this way, in reality they are often separated, and the people under separation and the numbers are naturally ordinary citizens of that country. 


Here, the organization that lends money with interest to make up for shortfalls in wartime, regardless of whether they are friend or foe, is the Anglo-American **.


 They are completely indifferent whether Anglo-American citizens die or not. 


The reason for this is stated in The legitimacy of gender nonexistence. In Japan, everything that began with the Meiji era is history made by a nation that has been taken over by the British, American and Anglo-Saxons, and it is not so much killing as it is tidying up livestock. 

Obviously, the distinction between left and right is meaningless. 

You make the perpetrators, you carry them out, and you don't admit to the crime. 


The US has learned - and been deceived - enough times before W2, so they will do it again, and Japan will of course act as the vanguard and carry it out, but they cannot be strongly aware that this is also killing Japanese people.


 And it is certainly not something to worry about other people or other countries. The second fanatic worshippers of the emperor are the current Liberal Democratic Party jiminntou  and their allies. 


Among the assassins of the late Edo period, one in five top-class swordsmen were intent on killing, and sometimes they would get carried out and have already cut their unkonowns down... this is a world where that happens. 


The traitor Katsu Kaishu stated that Izo, the assassin, had already been involved in efforts to overthrow the shogunate within the shogunate, and that while guarding him, he had brutally murdered one man,it said, resulting in two parts of



In my personal opinion, the above content seems to be a tragic history of sadness that is used to shake people's hearts and create sorrow.