First, let's look at the period from around 1940. I can't express it in exact percentages, but I think you can understand the situation and the actual level, so I will write it down. 1


8 yen was just enough to live on, probably about the same as today's monthly income of 150,000 yen. So, 30 yen would be about 300,000 yen. 45 yen was enough. So, it would be about 450,000 yen per month. 

We can see that in about 80 to 90 years, the Japanese currency has become one ten-thousandth of its value.            Of course, since it is not based on gold, there is no honest indicator, and we can see that it is part of the so-called credit system of the United Kingdom and the United States. 

In other words, unrealistic figures are possible. 


This is a deterioration in Arthur Burns.      This is because the base currency, which is only printed on bills, changes the mental and behavioral patterns of the users, and it also makes it easier for non-powered groups to unilaterally impose madness. 

Its effectiveness is maximized the lower the economic level or the state of chaos within a country. 


This is what is commonly known as the first step before chaos and separation and conflict. 

The reason is that it maximizes the excitement of the target of destruction and the group that is directed towards it. 


Any assassin will be less insane if they are sleepy, satisfied with their food, etc.   

Just by printing banknotes, it is the authority to issue them unlimitedly around the world, i.e. to hire them as bribes. 


The gold and silver standard has a flaw that is obvious to everyone, when comparing its economic reality with the hoarded gold and silver.        In other words, it makes it difficult to lie or commit fraud.Because it can be verified at a glance even from overseas, you can consider your own investments and buying and selling accordingly. 

However, it is difficult.The changes in numbers and movements within the main country are difficult to confirm from foreign countries. 


This shows that if the UK and the US were to jointly implement the current economic blockade measures, it would be easy for them to collapse. 


This is a currency situation where it would not be strange if uniform conditions were to arise. It is unclear whether this was first used, or whether the development of measures to make it as easy as possible was insufficient. 


It is likely that the current British and American genocidal thinking about currency has undergone several preparations and experiments. 


Experiments in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, beginning with Thailand, etc. Since the details of each are not visible, I will write about the known Middle Eastern powers. 

Economic blockade of Iraq, in other words, not selling anything there, including medicines. Approximately one million children died in Iraq, and those under 15 died. 


Britain and the United States think that this will be a success, but it is just bullying and killing children, and by killing children, they have reduced the number of anti-Americans. 


In the end, they succeeded in killing the target, **, but they did not manage to take Iraq's oil, etc., but by killing the person who changed it to the euro, they were able to make the country rule over the dollar again. = This also means that the movement of the dollar can be spied on.


Because the use and profits of foreign US can be known through the management of the dollar. The bank's reason   It is also because domestic independent economic activity has returned to a country that can eventually dry up liquidity with the dollar.        For example, the Asian crisis, which began with Thailand, was a chain reaction that crushed Asia, and the development of Southeast Asia was successful in temporarily alienating it, and the fact that each country was in a state of exhaustion was a good buying period for the one who orchestrated it, with the dollar not falling, and the more chaotic the country became, the more delicious it became, a period of almost free buying.


 Naturally, this is a plan.

Plundering from the temporary memorandum of poor Britain and America.


By killing the subordinate country, the British and American bosses created a bonus. This was returned to the United States, and this is the reason why a bubble occurred in the American economy, and the extra money was created. 

If you know **, of course, if you buy stocks at the beginning, you buy at the bottom and sell off. The general public, who are unaware of the existence of excess funds, see it from the perspective of the current economic development that is circulating, so their perspective is different. The start is delayed. 

This is almost the same with US IT stocks. Jobs and others are not the kind of people that they are told about, and they did not start a business with any talent at all, so the technology provider organization that provided the funds and the people involved in the period of preparation naturally purchased the shares for next to nothing in the beginning. 

100,000 yen for 1 billion - this is the reality of Garfam.


The general public, if they muster up the courage and close their eyes, this is the probability of hitting the mark by mistake.

 This of course does not have the capitalist prerequisites that are the premise. It is a fraudulent act, but you can see which is greater, the profit from daily activities or the profit from fraud. 


This is a way of stealing money from citizens through fraud in the name of capitalism. 

It is also hateful that it is whispered that the above stocks will fall by 90% during times of recession and stock market crashes. 


They are busy preparing to make a huge profit from the fall. Profits from a fall in six months means that the rise over six to seven years can be obtained all at once.

 During a great depression, the increase over 100 years is discharged in one or two years, and profits are made. It is a huge profit all at once, without taking many years. 

Stocks can be said to be a kind of forecast or expectation currency. To have this completely taken away means to make people even poorer. 


This is probably the true calculation behind the scenes of the currently circulating globalization. 

This is a fraud. 

Because it is exactly the same as military notes during wartime. It seems that a two-stage method is needed for this. First of all, strict restrictions are needed. 


In Japan, that would be martial law. 

This is a peacetime law, but it is necessary to temporarily create a system of fear and restraint in small violent groups, and absolute fraud reporting to rationalize consistency.With this, politicians in name only will finally be able to act. 


However, there is one big gap in this.This means that there will be no increase in income, meaning that it will become a gathering that only spends.


And in order to preserve this, surrounding groups, groups that support fascism, will be placed in place. 


This is a group that is like having a free lunch, so a system of making money will be necessary. 


The powerful Spanish and British military forces are nothing more than money-eaters in the economic phase... What brought this back into line was slavery in the early days, and then the Industrial Revolution, which filled the trade gap, but even these were dependent on colonies for raw materials and fuel.

This was also the form of the British textile industry and the system of Indian cotton provision.And finally, the method of destroying and plundering people's personalities was to increase income through opium.Without this, it would have been impossible for the British and Americans to strengthen their military. 

It is a bond made by money.    It is a fact of history. There are threats and coercion, and unless capitalism is transformed, it will not be reached, and unless the world of religious madness supports it, there will be no return. Is this really so?   

 The frenzy becomes a kind of avoidance, an escape world, a kind of opium addiction, that each person does. 



After it is over, the same whispered words and the hope of tomorrow, the powerful fraudulent group media, which does not even look back on their own karma, once again follow the orders of the * with false forcibility, as if nothing had happened, yawning and stretching, and reappearing as mentally ill people.

Rather than forgetting, they become a regenerated threatened life form. This is the same in the French Revolution. This is the worst part of the double-edged sword of words, bedsores.


Their names are used without thinking.     That is. In other words, they cherry-pick the best parts. It's not so much a language, there's just something gained from it. 

It seems to have the same layer as assets.It's similar to how a group can only survive by creating sacrifices within a system of organizations.He creates sacrifices cheerfully through martial law, and when the US judges war responsibility, he disappears from that field. 


In order to escape from the GHQ, he becomes a chief priest at the Imperial Court - Military Police - Martial Law - Military Police - and quickly returns to the mainland, creating a sort of dishonorable appearance that speaks of a conflict with the real government, escaping GHQ's condemnation, and appears on NHK with a bright smile. . . 


This is different from banknotes and real gold and silver. 

Gold measurement values ​​will show the fluctuations at a glance, even if the government has evil words. 


Just as the original military Japanese yen, which had fallen to one ten-thousandth of its value, could not tell the truth, the fraudulent press does not know, and will never know, the true state of hardship, desperation, and madness of the Japanese people.