


どうなるかわかりませんが、後は良い結果を祈るのみです!Personal Statementなどのお手伝いありがとうございました。

話はもどってレバレッジミーティングでは、本を読む事に少しマンネリを感じていたのでいつもと違う事をしようということで一ヶ月単位から5年、10年単位のFuture Planを一人一人が英語でプレゼンしました!(しょうへい以外)


A short term
To get good grades in all classes I am taking
bring up GPA

6months plan
Graduate from the college with confidence
To gain certain area of knowledge in political science such as international relations.
get a part time job which is highly related to my major but also influential to my career

12 months plan
accepted to a university
be able to criticize on political issues

5 years plan
Successfully graduated from a university and get a job in Tokyo
be more independent and responsible enough
continue working out at gym 3 times a week

Rei Naoi

A short term goal
keep studying in ESOL
Pass all the classes
Prepare for college classes such as English 101
Show his improvement to his friends in Japan

6 month plan
To be more independent
to feel more cultural diversity

12 month plan
Be prepared before applying to a university
taking 4 classes college in order to graduate as soon as possible

5 years plan
Working at somewhere
make a impact on Japan as well as people

10 years plan
trip to some countries


a short term
be selected as a top ESL student at SCCC
in order to skip classes, he will get a adequate either IELS or TOEFL

6 months plan
to lead his activity to a successful outcome
increase a number of leverage member
to influence others
aim to earn ¥50000 per month by affiliate

12 months plan
to be accepted by all companies he is applying for
to produce values in anything he is related with

5 years plan
wish he could work overseas
enjoying the job while snowboading etc.... at the same time

10 year plan
To hold a party in NYC
to be better off financially


a short term plan

to get 4.0 in all classes.
keep working out at gym. 3 times a week
Attend entrepreneur seminar

6 month plan
automate in affiliate as well as gaining knowledge in terms of affiliate

1 year plan
enter the UW
to acquire a score 100 in TOEFL

5 year

to earn $100,0000
working at a consulting company which is resultism-focused

acquiring a MBA at north western Uni or Indiana university
to earn tremendous amount of money before going to graduate school
to be at responsible position in a company


