●David Grusch, The “UFO Whistleblower”, Full NewsNation Interview & Full Transcript





エリザベス・ヴァーガス 00:03


ロス・クルサルト 00:12


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 00:19


エリザベス・ヴァーガス 00:21


ロス・クルサルト 00:25


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 00:28

あるんだ。ええ、何機?かなりの数だ いくつかは着陸し、いくつかは墜落している。

エリザベス・ヴァーガス 00:33


デヴィッド・グラッシュ 00:41


エリザベス・ヴァーガス 00:45


ギンバル・パイロット 00:46


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 00:47


エリザベス・ヴァーガス 01:01


ロス・クルサルト 01:04


エリザベス・ヴァーガス 01:05


ロス・クルサルト 01:06


エリザベス・ヴァーガス 01:08


デヴィッド・グラッシュ 01:09


ロス・クルサルト 01:13


エリザベス・ヴァーガス 01:19


エリザベス・ヴァーガス 01:23

News nationはデイヴィッド・グラッシュ氏の資格と履歴書を確認しましたが、彼が捜査当局に提出したという証拠とされるものを見たり検証したりした訳ではありません。
グラッシュ氏は、news nationの取材に応じた調査ジャーナリスト、ロス・クルサルト氏と対談した。クルサルト氏は、オーストラリア版「60ミニッツ」や自国の他のニュース番組で報道している、受賞歴のあるジャーナリストであり作家でもあります。

ロス・クルサルト 02:40


ショーン・カークパトリック博士 02:51


ロス・クルサルト 02:54


スコット・ブレイ(海軍情報局次長) 03:16


ロス・クルサルト 03:28


ロス・クルサルト 04:19


ロス・クルサルト 04:25


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 04:29

私の名前はDavid Gruschです。私はピッツバーグのブルーカラーの家庭に生まれ、大学に行くお金もなかったんだ。私はいつも制服を着た人に憧れていました。そして、自分よりも大きなものの一部になりたいと、いつも思っていた。18年前、私は空軍の奨学金を得て、物理学を学びました。その後、空軍に入隊し、14年間勤めました。

ロス・クルサルト 04:52

この写真を見ると......デイブ そして、とても誇らしい将校の姿を見ることができる。

デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 04:57


ロス・クルサルト 05:00


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 05:02


ロス・クルサルト 05:03


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 05:13


ロス・クルサルト 05:36


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 05:44


ロス・クルサルト 05:45


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 05:48


ロス・クルサルト  05:50


ロス・クルサルト 06:00


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 06:05


ロス・クルサルト 06:19


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 06:25


ロス・クルサルト 06:31


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 06:34


ロス・クルサルト 06:46


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 06:49


ロス・クルサルト 06:50


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 06:52


ロス・クルサルト 06:53


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 06:54


ロス・クルサルト 07:29


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 07:39


ロス・クルサルト 07:45


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 07:47


ロス・クルサルト 08:10


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 08:17


ロス・クルサルト 08:20


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 08:24


ロス・クルサルト 08:29


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 08:42


ロス・クルサルト 08:59


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 09:11


ロス・クルサルト 09:15

その直後、彼は上層部からの報復や仕返しに耐えたという。そして、その情報を情報機関の監察官に報告し、それが今回の内部告発の理由です。その経験があったからこそ、ここで公表することを決めたと言います。レスリー・キーンが書いた最近の記事『The Debrief』では、このインタビューに対して報酬は支払われていないそうです。

デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 09:41


ロス・クルサルト 09:42


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 09:44


ロス・クルサルト 10:04


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 10:19


ロス・クルサルト 10:24


デヴィッド・グラッシュ 10:37

まあ、当然のことながら、着陸したり墜落したりしたものを回収するときには パイロットに遭遇することもありますし、信じられないかもしれませんが、そのように聞こえるほど空想的な速さで。本当なんだ。

ロス・クルサルト 10:52


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 10:54


ロス・クルサルト 10:58


デヴィッド・グラッシュ 11:21

そうですね。我々は内部で証拠を提供したんだ 検査官とヒルのスタッフに 全ての詳細を説明した つまり、私にはその資格があるのです。私はUAPタスクフォースで情報将校をしていました。

ロス・クルサルト 11:35

どのようにそのようなNHIは、最初の場所で価値に移動し、一般市民によって検出されないことができます グラッシュは、クラフトは、我々がそれを理解するように、宇宙を旅していないかもしれないと言います、それはある。

デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 12:00


ロス・クルサルト 12:49



私が説明を受けた非常に具体的な特性に基づいています 同位体比は、そのレベルになるように設計する必要があります 。また、非常に奇妙な、重い、原子金属、周期表の高い位置にあります 私たちが理解していない手配、つまり、出現する特性は何ですか しかし、非常に奇妙な元素の混合があります。

ロス・クルサルト 13:25


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 13:34


ロス・クルサルト 13:39


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 13:52


ロス・クルサルト 14:16


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 14:26


ロス・クルサルト 14:34


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 14:37


ロス・クルサルト 14:52

では、一番最初のところから始めましょう。あなたはそれが90年の隠蔽工作だと言う 。

デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 15:00


ロス・クルサルト 15:01


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 15:02


ロス・クルサルト 15:11


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 15:30


ロス・クルサルト 15:49


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 15:58


ロス・クルサルト 16:00


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 16:12


ロス・クルサルト 16:18


デヴィッド・グラッシュ 16:44


ロス・クルサルト 16:53


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 16:54


ロス・クルサルト 17:24


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 17:39

しなかったその分析は、完全なハックジョブ(雇われ仕事)であり、分析能力のある人ですら 読めばわかるが、クラッシュ・テストダミーと複数の状況を混同してモーグルバルーンにしてるのが推察できる。そして彼らは、個人的に目撃した町民が完全に想像していると言っているだけで、その報告書全体を別の形で作り上げたのです。

ロス・クルサルト 18:02


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ  18:08


ロス・クルサルト 18:17


デヴィッド・グラッシュ 18:51


ロス・クルサルト 19:08


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 19:24

そして彼らの多くは怪我をしたことを知っている。このようなものを見ていると 未知の未知を見るための核放射性生物学的リスクは想像がつくでしょうし、彼らの多くは文字通り奉仕のために肉体的に苦しんでいるのです。

ロス・クルサルト 19:39


デイヴィッド・グラッシュ 20:01








●The Black Vault has created a transcript of that interview, in full, which is available below.


Should the above embedded copy from NewsNation also be taken offline, out of respect for copyright laws, although other what may be considered “pirated” copies of the interview exist on the internet in video format, those links will not be provided here, as they may also be removed in the near future.

Of course, there can always be errors in transcripts, so please CONTACT The Black Vault for any corrections.

This page will be updated once a non-pirated copy of the interview surfaces.

Elizabeth Vargas  00:03

Tonight for the first time a former senior military intelligence officer comes forward to say what we’ve only imagined is true

Ross Coulthart  00:12

You are saying to the human race for the first time. We are not alone.

David Grusch  00:19

We’re definitely not alone

Elizabeth Vargas  00:21

Claims that our government has proof of alien life.

Ross Coulthart  00:25

We have spacecraft from another species.

David Grusch  00:28

We do. Yeah. How many? Quite a number. Some are landed some are crashed

Elizabeth Vargas  00:33

Allegations of a secret government program that is hidden the truth that technology from the world

David Grusch  00:41

there’s a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace which is extremely unethical and immoral. And it’s totally totally frightening.

Elizabeth Vargas  00:45

From Roswell to the present day.

Gimbal Pilot  00:46

They are all, going against the wind, the winds 120 knots to the west.

David Grusch  00:47

There are non prosaic cases. 100% unexplainable misses, like tangible technical craft are seeing

Elizabeth Vargas  01:01

Is this decorated officer a liar?

Ross Coulthart  01:04

Why should we believe you?

Elizabeth Vargas  01:05

A fool?

Ross Coulthart  01:06

Is it possible that you’re deluding yourself?

Elizabeth Vargas  01:08

or a hero?

David Grusch  01:09

I’m a patriot, and I believe that truth the power in this.

Ross Coulthart  01:13

We’re talking about the biggest secret in human history.

Elizabeth Vargas  01:19

We are not alone. The UFO whistleblower speaks.

Elizabeth Vargas  01:23

Good evening. I’m Elizabeth Vargas. You’re to bring you a news nation exclusive interview with a man we’re calling the UFO whistleblower. David grush is a career intelligence official who this week is making some bombshell claims of the US government cover up going back nearly a century shedding light he says on that existential question, Are We Alone? News nation has confirmed David Grusch’s credentials and resume we have not seen or verified the alleged proof he says he’s provided to investigators, but we want you to hear his story so you can decide for yourself. Mr. grush sat down with investigative journalist Ross Coulthart who is reporting for news nation. Mr. Coulthart  is an award winning journalist and author who is reported for the Australian version of 60 minutes, as well as other news programs in his home country, what you’re about to see as part of their conversation, touching on Mr. Grusch’s work with the UAP Task Force, his background and his service to this country, and the alleged secret military program about which he says the world needs to know.

Ross Coulthart  02:40

For decades the UFO question has been consigned to the realm of speculation, but in recent years, serious people have started taking the subject seriously.

Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick  02:51

You’ll see it come through the top of the screen… there it is.

Ross Coulthart  02:54

Prompted in part by the release of these videos purporting to show encounters between American naval aviators and what the Pentagon has labeled unidentified aerial or anomalous phenomena. Congress has convened hearings to determine what these UAP are, and what threat they might pose.

Scott Bray  03:16

If UAP do indeed represent a potential threat to our security than the capabilities systems, processes and sources we use to observe, record and study or analyze these phenomena need to be classified at appropriate levels.

Ross Coulthart  03:28

The Department of Defense has established a special team formerly known as the UAP Task Force recently renamed the all domain anomaly resolution office or AARO to investigate and identify what are now hundreds of reported sightings. So far, they have not confirmed any of them to constitute proof of alien life. Officially, the government continues to state we are indeed alone. But now for the first time, a former member of that official investigative team is speaking out telling a stunning story that impact every person on this planet. And now you’re about to meet that man for the very first time in this exclusive television interview.

Ross Coulthart  04:19

Welcome. Have a seat.

Ross Coulthart  04:25

Maybe start off telling me your name and who you are.

David Grusch  04:29

My name is David Grusch. You know, I came from a blue collar family in Pittsburgh and didn’t have the money for college. I always admired people in uniform. And I’ve always wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. You know, 18 years ago, you know, I got an Air Force scholarship for physics. I originally commissioned on active duty in the Air Force, served 14 years in the Air Force.

Ross Coulthart  04:52

I look at this photograph Dave. And I see a very proud officer.

David Grusch  04:57

I was getting promoted to captain when I was deployed.

Ross Coulthart  05:00

Do you still love your country, don’t you?

David Grusch  05:02


Ross Coulthart  05:03

A career intelligence officer grush spent time on the ground in Afghanistan and other places he can’t mention, before rotating back to Washington.

David Grusch  05:13

I was an Intel officer for the US for 14 years. My last position which I left in April of 2023. I co lead the UAP portfolio for the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and some of the highest officials within the Department of Defense Intelligence Community used to call on me to advise them on some of the hardest target sets that the country had.

Ross Coulthart  05:36

You are one of the most trusted former intelligence officials in the US defense and intelligence establishment.

David Grusch  05:44

Yes, I was

Ross Coulthart  05:45

You were trusted with the most intimate secrets.

David Grusch  05:48


Ross Coulthart  05:50

And he says the most earth shattering of those secrets were revealed after 2019 when he was invited to join the UAP Task Force.

Ross Coulthart  06:00

You had the security classifications to go anywhere and ask anyone, anything.

David Grusch  06:05

I had based on my formal security clearance and multiple polygraphs. I had the ability to be read into any program that I needed. At one point in time, I was extremely highly cleared.

Ross Coulthart  06:19

What conclusion did you come to at the end of your time on the UAP Task Force?

David Grusch  06:25

The UAP task force was refused access to a broad crash retrieval program.

Ross Coulthart  06:31

When you say crash retrieval, what do you mean?

David Grusch  06:34

These are retrieving non human origin? Technical vehicles, you know, call it spacecraft, if you will, non human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed.

Ross Coulthart  06:46

We have spacecraft from another species?

David Grusch  06:49

We do? Yeah.

Ross Coulthart  06:50

How many?

David Grusch  06:52

Quite a number.

Ross Coulthart  06:53

You’re kidding.

David Grusch  06:54

No. I thought it was totally nuts. And I thought at first I was being deceived. It was a ruse. People started confiding in me, they approached me, I have plenty of current former senior intelligence officers that came to me many which I knew almost my whole career, that can invited me they were a part of a program, they named the program. I’ve never heard of it. And they they told me based on their oral testimony, and they provided me documents and other other proof that there was in fact, a program that the UAP task force was not read into.

Ross Coulthart  07:29

You are alleging that the US government has been concealing the existence on this planet of alien life.

David Grusch  07:39

I would couch it as non human intelligence, you know, NHI, like we like to say in our language…

Ross Coulthart  07:45

Why do you say that? Why do you say NHI?

David Grusch  07:47

I don’t want to necessarily denote origin. I don’t think we have all the data to say, Oh, they’re coming from a certain a certain location. And I counted as somebody who studied physics where maybe they’re coming from a different physical dimension, as described in quantum mechanics. We know there’s extra dimensions due to higher high energy particle collisions, etc. And there’s a theoretical framework to explain that. Yeah, just

Ross Coulthart  08:10

Let me cut to the quick that you’re saying. There is an intelligent species engaging with this planet.

David Grusch  08:17

Yes, that’s potentially extraterrestrial. Yeah.

Ross Coulthart  08:20

I speak for everybody sitting at home. That is a shock.

David Grusch  08:24

It was to me and I had a lot of sleepless nights.

Ross Coulthart  08:29

Grusch says he’s never personally seen nonhuman intelligence. But he’s spoken to enough people directly involved in what he calls the program. But he’s convinced it’s real.

David Grusch  08:42

I started out as a non believer, I came to the problem as a hardcore physics guy, Intel officer. So I have a you know, excuse my language hype factor. I was very methodical, interviewing people who didn’t know each other, making sure this wasn’t some kind of cover up of some other program.

Ross Coulthart  08:59

He says he pressed to gain direct access to this program, and that’s when his trouble started. Grusch claims his investigation was stymied his requests for access rebuffed

David Grusch  09:11

They shut the door in my face. They denied me access to these programs

Ross Coulthart  09:15

Sooner after he says he endured reprisals and retaliation from above. He then reported that information to the intelligence community inspector general, that’s why he’s filed this whistleblower complaint. He says that experience is why he decided to go public here, and in a recent article written by Leslie Keane in The Debrief, you’re not being paid for this interview.

David Grusch  09:41

No, I’m not.

Ross Coulthart  09:42

Why are you doing this?

David Grusch  09:44

It’s a sense of service you know, call me a boy scout or whatever it just when I saw the kind of wrongdoing I did, I don’t want to be 6070 years old in the future and have that you know, coulda, shoulda woulda kind of feeling where I could have made a difference. I did not want to live a life of regret.

Ross Coulthart  10:04

You are saying to the human race, for the first time, an official intelligence representative at a high level from the US government is saying publicly, we are not alone.

David Grusch  10:19

We’re definitely not alone. Absolutely. The data points empirically, that we’re not alone. Yeah.

Ross Coulthart  10:24

You’ve said that we have the United States has spacecraft, intact craft we do. Do we have bodies? Do we have species?

David Grusch  10:37

Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed? Sometimes you encounter that pilots and believe it or not as fast as fantastical as that sounds. It’s true.

Ross Coulthart  10:52

Have you seen spacecraft?

David Grusch  10:54

I’ve seen some interesting photos. And I’ve read some very interesting reports.

Ross Coulthart  10:58

But he says the specific documents and photos that would prove his claims are still classified, and he cannot disclose them here. Let’s deal with the issue of your credibility. Why should we believe you? You’re just somebody coming out of nowhere, making claims that we really, ultimately can’t prove?

David Grusch  11:21

Yeah. Well, we provided the proof internally to the inspector general, and the hill staff with wind all the details. I mean, I have the credentials. I was an intelligence officer on the AP Task Force.

Ross Coulthart  11:35

But let’s face it, allegations of aliens into their spacecraft are hard to accept, even coming from a respected insider, even if you call them in a chai and UAP. How could such NHI travel to worth in the first place and go undetected by the general public grush says the craft may not be traveling through space, as we understand it, it is

David Grusch  12:00

A well established fact at least mathematically and based on empirical observation and analysis that there most likely are physical, additional spatial dimensions. And you can imagine, four and five-D space were what we experienced as linear time ends up being a physical dimension for in higher dimensional space where if you were living there, you could translate across what we perceive as a linear flow. So there is a possibility that n is a theory here. I’m not saying this is 100% the case, but it could be that this is not necessarily extraterrestrial, and that’s actually coming from a higher dimensional physical space that might be co located. You know, right here.

Ross Coulthart  12:49

what can you tell me about these craft these technologies? Why do you know, it’s exotic,

David Grusch  12:55

Based on the very specific properties that I was briefed on, you know, isotopic ratios that would have to be engineered for it to be at those levels, but also just extremely strange, heavy, atomic metal, you know, high up at the periodic table, arrangements that we don’t understand, you know, what the emergent properties are, but there’s just a very strange mix of elements.

Ross Coulthart  13:25

So you’re absolutely sure that the materials that these crafts are made of, clearly not of this earth?

David Grusch  13:34

Yeah, they’re sophisticatedly engineered, certainly not by humans.

Ross Coulthart  13:39

And while Grusch says the US has gleaned some insight from these materials for military use, so much more could be done. If academia and the private sector had access,

David Grusch  13:52

it’s totally nuts that you humanity as a whole, especially, you know, the US citizenry as a whole, they’re not even benefiting from broad research on this to solve, you know, propulsion, energy issues, novel material science that can improve people’s quality of life. It’s just totally nuts. How it’s been protected and inhibits progress,

Ross Coulthart  14:16

If you will, right. If you’re telling us the truth, everyone, the entire American public has been lied to for decades.

David Grusch  14:26

Yeah, there’s a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace, which is extremely unethical and immoral.

Ross Coulthart  14:34

Coming up. How long has this been going on?

David Grusch  14:37

A lot of the things I was briefed on were very shocking.

Ross Coulthart  14:52

So let’s just start from the very beginning. You say it’s a 90 year cover up Just about

David Grusch  15:00


Ross Coulthart  15:01

90 years.

David Grusch  15:02

1933 was the first recovery in Europe in Magenta, Italy, they recovered a partially intact vehicle.

Ross Coulthart  15:11

It’s long been known that the regime of dictator Benito Mussolini, documented numerous UAP. During this time, this internal memo from the Italian secret services includes crude drawings of the UA peas. It’s true, it’s real.

David Grusch  15:30

Yeah, that actually happened. The Italian government moved it to a secure airbase in Italy for the rest of kind of the fascist regime until 1944 1945. And you know, the Pope Pius the 12th, back channeled that. So the Vatican was involved. Yeah, and told the Americans what the Italians had, and we ended up scooping it.

Ross Coulthart  15:49

So let’s be very clear about this. You’re saying that the Catholic Church, the Vatican, they know about the existence of nonhuman intelligence on this planet?

David Grusch  15:58


Ross Coulthart  16:00

Grusch says shortly after the dawn of the Atomic Age, another major crash recovery took place. You’ve probably heard of it. What can you tell me about the Roswell craft?

David Grusch  16:12

Fortunately, those details were not approved for me to talk about right now.

Ross Coulthart  16:18

This much we know. In 1947, an object crashed in the New Mexico desert near the town of Roswell, the Air Force recovered material described as metallic and rubbery. Though the government changed its story as to what it was calling it a flying disc at first, then a weather or spy balloon, it just read ridiculous to me that the US Air Force had changed its story.

David Grusch  16:44

Yeah, and they added additional elements over time and and tried to conflate additional programs to explain some of the events.

Ross Coulthart  16:53

Why are these things crashing?

David Grusch  16:54

Yeah, you know, some, some are landed some are crashed and I think that’s an interesting discussion that’s come up, you know, is advanced as you know, we are you know, as humans, right, you know, planes crash cars crash just because you’re some advanced sentience that has advanced technology doesn’t mean some small percentage of your use the airforce term like sorties, you know, meet unfortunate operational conclusion as as, as we might want to say,

Ross Coulthart  17:24

Most people would tell you the Roswell incident has been thoroughly debunked. In fact, the Air Force published this report in 1994. To put the issue to rest once and for all Grusch has read it,

David Grusch  17:39

That analysis that didn’t was a total hack job and even anybody with analytical skills. If you read it, you can, you can deduce that they’re conflating multiple situations with crash test dummies and then mogul balloons. And they’re just saying that the townsfolk who personally witnessed it are totally imagining things, they concocted that whole report just a different form.

Ross Coulthart  18:02

So the reason for the secrecy exactly is what?

David Grusch  18:08

Feudalistic dominance who can have both asymmetric asymmetric technology for seems like just fueling the war machine.

Ross Coulthart  18:17

Grusch says that through the 50s and 60s encounters with the NHI continued, as did the cover up one incident in 1967, about which multiple Air Force veterans have gone public involved UAPs tampering with the nuclear missiles at Malmstrom Air Base in Montana, they saw a craft appearing to be intelligently controlled, hovered over a nuclear weapons silo, and shut down 10 Nuclear ICBM missiles.

David Grusch  18:51

It certainly looks like they want to understand how far we’ve advanced in our nucular fissile kind of technologies at the very least, I mean, it looks like preparatory probing activity, it might be innocent kind of scientific gathering could be ISR probing.

Ross Coulthart  19:08

Meanwhile, Grusch says the crash retrieval program continued. And while he won’t reveal where the downed crafts are stored, he does say that the people working with the technology have been putting themselves at risk.

David Grusch  19:24

And a lot of them know were injured. Looking at some of this stuff. You can imagine the nuclear radiological biological risk to looking at an unknown unknown, and a lot of them have literally suffered physically because of their service.

Ross Coulthart  19:39

But as we know, anyone who’s come forward claiming non human intelligence is behind these incidents has been dismissed as delusional or deliberately deceitful. If you’re right. If you’re telling us the truth, everyone, the entire American public has been lied to for decades.

David Grusch  20:01

Yeah, there’s a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace which is extremely unethical and immoral.


