 by Christopher Sharp - 8 June 2023


 米空軍宇宙軍(現米国宇宙軍)の元主任科学者であるJim Shell,ジム・シェルは、未確認異常現象(UAP)に関連する最近の驚くべき主張を受けて、元高級情報機関職員であるデイヴィッド・グラッシュの誠実さに声をかけています。



 LinkedInの投稿で、Gruschの主張を掘り下げたThe Debriefの最近の衝撃的な記事に言及し、Shellは次のように述べています:

 Liberation Timesはシェルの意見を聞き、彼にコメントを求め、この問題についてさらなる解明を求めている。
 グラッシュは、LinkedInで、現在、米宇宙軍の宇宙開発、取得、打ち上げ、ロジスティクス分野の司令部の一部である宇宙システム司令部に勤務するSean Allen ショーン・アレンからさらなる支援を受けた。

アレンは、The Debriefのグラッシュに関する記事を共有し、「忙しい1週間になりそうだ」とコメントしている。『デビッド・グラッシュが無事でいることを祈る』とコメントした。


 Liberation Timesは、情報機関の監察官(ICIG)と連絡を取り、グラッシュと彼の申し立てについて具体的な質問を投げかけた。現在のところ、ICIGから回答は得られていない。
しかし、2006年から2009年にかけて、『戦略的コミュニケーション、組織変革、心理作戦について、国防総省やその他の米国政府機関に専門的なアドバイスを提供した』と主張する米国国防総省(DoD)の広報担当者スーザン・ゴフは、Liberation Timesに次のような声明を出している:
AARO(UAPを調査するAll-domain Anomaly Resolution Office)は今日まで、地球外物質の所有またはリバース・エンジニアリングに関するプログラムが過去に存在した、または現在存在するという主張を立証する検証可能な情報を発見していない。


AAROの記録と証言の歴史的レビューは進行中で、2024年6月までに議会に提出される予定です。 AAROは、歴史的レビューに関連する情報を持っていると思われる元・現政府職員や請負業者と話す機会を歓迎する。
なお、Liberation Timesは、AAROがICIGを通じて行われたグラッシュのPPD-19の苦情の認可を受けた受信者ではないと理解しているとのことです。
許可された受信者は、国家情報長官Avril Haines、下院情報特別委員会、上院情報特別委員会のみである。

情報筋がLiberation Timesに語ったところによると、AAROはこれまで、国防省情報・安全保障担当次官室(OUSDI&S)に報告していたが、多数の内部告発者から信頼されていない。

 先進航空宇宙脅威識別プログラムの元ディレクターで、UAPの内部告発者であるLue Elizondo氏は、以前次のようにコメントしている:

 Liberation Timesによると、Elizondoはまた、Gruschを保証しており、次のように述べている:
”一部の人が何と言おうと、デイブは名誉ある人物であり、平和な時代にも戦争中にも勇敢に国に貢献した。彼は自分の言うとおりの人物だ "と述べています。

Liberation Timesは、米国の情報機関の不正を調査した1975年のチャーチ委員会を彷彿とさせるコンセプトの検討について、洞察を得た。



●Former Chief Scientist for Air Force Space Command Vouches For UFO Whistleblower's Integrity

Credit: NewsNation

Written by Christopher Sharp - 8 June 2023

In a show of support, Jim Shell, the former Chief Scientist for Air Force Space Command (now known as the U.S. Space Force), has lent his voice to the integrity of former senior intelligence official, David Grusch, in the wake of his recent astonishing claims relating to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

Grusch's allegations, which centre around deeply covert programs purportedly holding retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin, have found an ally in Shell, further amplifying the gravity of these extraordinary revelations.

In a LinkedIn post referencing a recent bombshell article published by The Debrief, which delves into Grusch's allegations, Shell stated:

‘I will vouch for the integrity of Dave Grusch!’

Of interest, Shell did not publicly rule out claims that materials of non-human origin are held by the U.S. government, its allies, and defense contractors (made by Grusch within the article), adding:

‘Getting to the bottom of this is elusive and problematic, to say the least.

‘I will assert no matter the conclusion of extraterrestrial materials or not, the DoD and IC security apparatus is in trouble and unwitting accomplices are fostering an abusive system.’

Such comments may be in reference to claims by Grusch that information about such programs has and continues to be illegally withheld from Congress, and that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures to the Congress and the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community.

Liberation Times has sought Shell's input, reaching out to him for comment and seeking additional elucidation on the matter.

Grusch received further support on LinkedIn by Sean Allen who presently works at Space Systems Command, part of the U.S. Space Force's space development, acquisition, launch, and logistics field command.

Allen shared The Debrief’s article on Grusch, commenting, ‘seems like it will be a busy week. I hope David Grusch stays safe.’

Referencing allegations of reprisals taken against Grusch (and perhaps other whistleblowers who have yet to speak out publicly), Allen added:

‘I want to see how these individuals are treated. If they're liars then no need to target them with harassment, reprisal, threats.’

Liberation Times has made contact with the Intelligence Community's Inspector General (ICIG), posing specific inquiries regarding Grusch and the allegations made by him. At present, no response has been received from the ICIG.

However, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spokesperson Susan Gough, who claims to have ‘provided expert advice to DoD and other U.S. Government agencies on strategic communication, organizational change, psychological operations’ between 2006 and 2009, did provide Liberation Time with the following statement:

‘To date, AARO [the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office which investigates UAP] has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently. 

‘AARO is committed to following the data and its investigation wherever it leads. AARO, working with the Office of the General Counsel and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, has established a safe and secure process for individuals to come forward with information to aid AARO in its congressionally-mandated historical review.  

‘AARO’s historical review of records and testimonies is ongoing and due to Congress by June 2024.  AARO welcomes the opportunity to speak with any former or current government employee or contractor who believes they have information relevant to the historical review.’

It should be noted that Liberation Times understands that the AARO is not an authorized recipient of Dave Grusch's PPD-19 complaint made through the ICIG. The only authorized recipients are the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The AARO would need approval by Avril Haines or the ICIG to gain access, or Grusch would need to make a separate disclosure through the AARO, which he has not done.

Sources have told Liberation Times that the AARO, which has, up until now, reported to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (OUSDI&S), is not trusted by numerous whistleblowers.

The issue may stem from AARO’s proximity with the OUSDI&S, which has previously been criticised for allegedly persecuting whistleblowers.


Lue Elizondo, former AATIP Director

The former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and UAP whistleblower, Lue Elizondo, has previously commented:

‘The [O]USDI is the one single office that has continuously lied about this topic and persecuted whistleblowers.’

Speaking to Liberation Times, Elizondo has also vouched for Grusch, stating:

"Despite what some may say, Dave is an honorable man who served his country courageously, both during times of peace and war. He is who he says he is."

With the AARO seemingly unable to effectively investigate claims such as those made by Grusch, the responsibility may ultimately fall upon Congress. The U.S. government's House Oversight Committee intends to hold a public hearing on the subject, indicating the potential for Congressional intervention.

Liberation Times has gained insight into the consideration of a concept reminiscent of the Church Committee of 1975, which probed into abuses committed by U.S. intelligence agencies. This notion has been contemplated by certain members of Congress ever since the UAP whistleblower language was included in the Intelligence Authorization Act of July 2022.

Given the recent disclosure by Grusch, the momentum behind such thinking may gain further traction. It is anticipated that the gravity of Grusch's allegations may intensify in the days to come.



