2月近し | Daily growth

Daily growth

~For sometime the day~

Soon I will enter in February.Speaking of February, I think still Valentine's Day.Confess a love passing the chocolate, I will respect.Because, because I can not be said to confess love.You may know if the class of people, but my favorite person was his.It as another, we are ahead of the up close Yosen kai.In Yosenkai, because he is dancing, what I teach him to dance.Frankly, it is bliss of time.However, he Rashiku much there is no motivation, looked spicy likely(It might cause dance is difficult).Actually, I do not want painful think was, but you can not How to.Anyway, now I think to try my best that I can.I thing there is no right to say such a thing is I am aware.Became sleepy. You sleep.