高校2年 コミュニケーション英語 BIG DIPPER 2 目次 | 赤城❤︎.*




令和5年度版 自学&備忘録


Lesson1 Why Don't You Come to School in Pajamas?

Lesson2 Is Seeing Believing?

Lesson3 Do You Get Enough Sleep?

Lesson4 Do You Want to Speak English like a Native Speaker?

Lesson5 Universal Design: Convenient for All

Lesson6 Wakamiya Masako: The World's Oldest Game App Developer

Lesson7 Learning from Nature

Lesson8 The Wisdom of Preserving Food

Lesson9 The Sharing Economy: Something for Everyone?

Lesson10 Sand and Concrete: A Basis of Our Life

  • Part1
  • Part2
  • Part3
  • Part4

Power Up Section

  • Lesson1
  • Lesson2
  • Lesson3
  • Lesson4
  • Lesson5
  • Lesson6
  • Lesson7
  • Lesson8
  • Lesson9
  • Lesson10




 Washoku Around the World

 Chirori, the First Therapy Dog in Japan

 How Good Is Your Memory?

 Space Elevator


 Diversity Brings New Products

 Ueno Takahiro: The Dancer in Me

 The France Okaeshi Project

 What Is the True Meaning of Mottainai?

 Fair Play in Sports: What Is "Fair"?

 Floating Education