お年玉企画期間限定公開 「壱越 Ichikotsu」 演奏:Aeolian Trio | ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

〜Welcome to the blog of guitarist ~Koufuu Suwa~!

🎍 お年玉企画🎍期間限定公開

「壱越 Ichikotsu」
演奏:Aeolian Trio


新春を記念して、エオリアン・トリオがアメリカ横断ツアーのニューヨーク滞在中に録音した「壱越 Ichikotsu」をお届けします。この曲は、尺八・人間国宝である山本邦山先生による名作です。


Jazz、Japan、そしてSpanishの要素が融合したエオリアン・トリオならではの “ジャパニッシュサウンド” をぜひお楽しみください!

🎍 Special New Year Gift – Limited-Time Release 🎍

"Ichikotsu 壱越"
Performed by: Aeolian Trio
Arranged by: Koufuu Suwa


To celebrate the New Year, we’re thrilled to share "Ichikotsu 壱越", recorded during the Aeolian Trio’s stay in New York as part of their cross-America tour. This timeless piece is a masterpiece by the legendary shakuhachi virtuoso and Living National Treasure, Hozan Yamamoto.

This song holds a special place in my heart, as I originally arranged the koto part for guitar in my youth and performed it many times with traditional Japanese musicians. Now, I am overjoyed to finally bring this cherished piece to life with the Aeolian Trio.

Immerse yourself in the unique “Japanish Sound”, a harmonious blend of jazz, Japanese, and Spanish musical styles that only the Aeolian Trio can create. Make this special release part of your New Year celebration!