山内惠介サマーディナーショー2024岡山、大盛況のうち終了しました | ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

〜Welcome to the blog of guitarist ~Koufuu Suwa~!



8月6日、広島平和記念日の公演だったので、アンコールに“一本の鉛筆”を演奏しました。去年の8月6日に僕自身の企画コンサートを観に来た惠介くんが"一本の鉛筆を歌いたい"と急遽飛び入りでこの曲を歌いました。去年はチェロのRobin と、昨日はバイオリンの石内さんと伴奏しました。弦楽器の木の響きが良く似合う曲ですね。






Keisuke Yamauchi Summer Dinner Show 2024 Okayama,

The show was a great success 😁.

Since the show was held on August 6, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Day, we played "One Pencil" as an encore. Keisuke came to see my concert on August 6 last year and asked me to sing "Ippon no pencil", so I jumped in and sang this song. Last year I accompanied him with Robin on cello, and yesterday I accompanied him with Mr. Ishiuchi on violin. The sound of stringed instruments is very suitable for this song.

I was worried that it might be a little too heavy for the dinner show because of its strong message of "anti-war and remorse, but the expressions on the audience's faces made me think that it was a good idea to perform it.

We were reminded once again that entertainment such as music and paintings have a role to heal people's hearts by helping them forget their sorrows and pain, and also to keep conveying the importance of peace, which should not be forgotten 👍.

The next performance is the Sapporo Dinner Show on August 18. I'm not sure what he will suddenly start singing again, but I'm reassured that the other members will also join Keisuke's whimsical singing 😂.

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!

See you soon!