The US Congress said that the family of President Biden previously received funding from Russia  Topwar
08/09, 20: 17



以下翻訳 by Kotaroe

The family of American President Joe Biden during his tenure as Vice President of the United States received multimillion-dollar funding from abroad, including from companies from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, in particular from Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina. This is stated in the text of the memorandum on banking documents submitted to the US Congress.



The document also cites a recent statement by Devon Archer, former business partner of US President Hunter Biden's son, alleging that the former vice president and his son used Joe Biden's position in the US government as a "brand" for personal gain.


当文書はまた、ハンター・バイデン米大統領の息子の元ビジネスパートナーであるデボン・アーチャーの最近の声明を引用したうえで、元副大統領とその息子がジョー・バイデンの米政府内での地位を個人的利益のための 「ブランド」 として利用したと主張している。

Attached to the document is an excerpt from a report that describes funding allegedly received by the Biden family from foreign sources. The relevant congressional committee has identified some payments in the interests of the Biden family, the total amount of which exceeds $20 million.



The list also mentions how a Russian businesswoman transferred $3,5 million to the accounts of a shell company affiliated with Biden Jr. and his business partners.



Earlier, the House Oversight Committee of the US Congress said that Hunter Biden regularly telephoned his father with the leadership of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, whose board of directors nominally included the son of the current US president.











Published: Aug 9, 2023 

Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine


2023年8月 9日






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